
混合情绪能促进心理健康吗? 被引量:7

Can Mixed Emotions Promote Mental Health?
摘要 积极和消极情绪的同时体验,即混合情绪,是生活中常见的情绪状态。健康应对的共激活模型、情绪动态模型和积极比模型一致认为混合情绪与心理健康之间呈现非线性的关系,适当的混合情绪有利于个体在困境中全面加工和整合信息,寻求意义,获得控制感,进而实现健康应对和心理症状改善,获得幸福感。未来研究应关注对非线性关系的精确描述;低压力或非压力情境下混合情绪的意义;混合情绪促进心理健康的内外部机制;以及混合情绪体验和处理能力的培养研究。 In daily life,experiencing both positive and negative emotions is common,which is defined as"mixed emotions"by researchers.According to the Evaluative Space Model Theory,mixed emotion experience is the product of co-activation,and there are different neural mechanisms,physiological responses,and subjective experiences compared to the pure emotions generated under the independent activation mode.The uniqueness of mixed emotions poses a new challenge to the study of emotions and health,which is a new problem worthy of attention.The positive meaning of mixed emotions in individual cognition,decision-making and interpersonal relationship provides a good foundation for mental health.However,given its own contradictory characteristics,there may be variability in different situations or conditions in promoting mental health.The theory that mixed emotions promote mental health comes from three aspects.The Co-activation Model of Healthy Coping describes how mixed emotions work in different stressful situations,and better explains the mechanism of complex emotions on cognition and behavior in trauma adaptation and problem-focused coping.On the basis of justifying the existence of mixed emotions,the Dynamic Model of Affect discusses their functions on mental health,especially emphasizing the influence of the difference of mixed emotions experience on stress response.The Model of Positivity Ratios breaks through the limitation of studying only in stressful situations,and puts mixed emotions into a broader discussion.Mixed emotions promote mental health mainly in stress coping,happiness and psychotherapy.In stress coping,mixed emotions are conducive to reducing negative experiences brought by stressful events,promoting the integration and processing of complex information,and problemsolving oriented behaviors,as well as improving coping efficiency.The effect of mixed emotions on happiness lies in that it can help individuals comprehensively consider the positive and negative characteristics of goal conflicts in the process of goal achievement,potentially promote the process of meaning creation,and finally obtain happiness experience.Mixed emotions are also seen as a protective factor against the formation of psychiatric symptoms and can predict the improvement of psychological symptoms during treatment.Although the positive effects of mixed emotions on mental health have been supported by theoretical and empirical studies,many scholars have found that the relationship between them is complex and non-linear.The individual’s tolerance and ability to deal with the conflict and ambivalence of mixed emotions may be the key variable affecting the relationship between mixed emotions and mental health.Individual and cultural characteristics related to tolerance and handling ability of mixed emotions,including construal level,mixed emotion experience pattern and cultural differences,have moderating effects on different degree in the process of mixed emotion promoting mental health.Some important issues in the relationship between mixed emotions and mental health have not been fully discussed in current studies,which need to be paid attention to in future studies:(1)An accurate description of the non-linear relationship between mixed emotions and mental health;(2)To determine whether mixed emotions have different effects and mechanisms on mental health in low-stress situations and non-stress situations;(3)The internal and external mechanisms of mixed emotions promoting mental health should be discussed in detail;(4)research on the cultivation of the ability to experience and deal with mixed emotions.
作者 孙五俊 姜媛 方平 Sun Wujun;Jiang Yuan;Fang Ping(School of Psychology,Capital Nonnal University,Beijing,100048;Faculty of Education,Henan Normal University,Xinxiang,453007;School of Psychology,Beijing Sport University,Beijing,100084)
出处 《心理科学》 CSSCI CSCD 北大核心 2021年第1期230-236,共7页 Journal of Psychological Science
基金 北京市社会科学基金项目(17JYB009)的资助。
关键词 混合情绪 心理健康 理论模型 实证支持 调节效应 mixed emotions mental health theory model pathway moderator effects
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