In practice,the legal gaps in the distribution of burden of proof in justifiable defense frequently re⁃veal themselves in the form of individual cases,which shows the inadequacy of relevant theories and system construc⁃tion in China.In the justifiable defence case,and its current situation mainly for“different connection with the sen⁃tence”and justifiable defense for the burden of proof is habitually assigned to the defence,pay the rights,the crime constitution system and the current specification diverse state,the defects of criminal trial mode and the theo⁃ry of only the myth is that both sides in the criminal procedure proof responsibility distribution chaos and prove that the causes of different criteria.Reality,based on the above observation and reflection,justifiable defense in China for distribution of burden of proof should distinguish the responsibility and burden of persuasion,choice crime constitu⁃tion theory,sheriff clear the duties and functions as well as only the result of rectification,so as to realize the crim⁃inal proof responsibility distribution system on the justifiable defense reason specification applies.
The South China Sea Law Journal
Distribution of Burden of Proof
Standard of Proof