The Class Struggle in France 1848-50 and The Eighteenth Brumaire of Louis Bonaparte are not only interpreted as political works and historical works, but also the models of Marx’s concretization of the general law of historical materialism into the field of political philosophy. In particular, the connotation and external performance of "living current events" in French political events at that time were deeply and carefully dissected. This paper analyzes and realizes the unity of the basic theory of historical materialism and the political events of social reality. The interpretation of these two documents is not only from the political and historical dimensions, but also from the philosophical dimension. Based on the historical materialism, Marx analyzed the "living current events" with the unity of the deep structure and external representation behind the political and historical events from the perspective of the relationship between productivity and mode of production. It not only showed the material living conditions that played a decisive role in the development of history, but also shed light on the historical situation and contingency which accelerated or delayed the history. Therefore, Marx’s historical materialism and materialist dialectics have achieved dual unity in the specific field of political practice, which has important theoretical value and practical significance for the further development of contemporary political philosophy.
ZHANG Xiao-long;SUN Le-qiang(Department of Philosophy,Nanjing University,Nanjing 210046,China)
The Journal of Jiangsu Administration Institute