
线上技能培训对进食障碍照料者心理状态影响的初步评价 被引量:2

A preliminary sutdy of impact of online skills training on mental status of eating disorders caregivers
摘要 目的:探索进食障碍照料者线上技能培训在中国的可行性和可接受性。方法:选取符合美国精神障碍诊断与统计手册第5版(DSM-5)诊断标准的进食障碍患者的照料者84例,进行为期6周的线上照料技能讲座与小组讨论干预;在基线、干预结束时及干预后3个月用进食障碍症状影响量表(EDSIS)、一般健康问卷(GHQ-12)进行评估,在干预结束时填写培训满意度调查问卷。结果:与基线相比,干预结束时、干预后3个月EDSIS内疚分量表得分和行为失控分量表得分降低,营养分量表得分升高;GHQ-12得分降低(均P<0.05)。本次培训的照料者来自全国各地,其中92.8%的照料者参与>75%的培训,89.3%的照料者对技能培训的有效性满意度为10分。结论:进食障碍照料者线上技能培训在中国有良好的可行性与可接受性。 Objective:To explore the feasibility and acceptability of the online eating disorder care skills training in China.Methods:Totally 84 caregivers of eating disorder patients who met DSM-5 diagnostic criteria were invited to participate skills lectures and group discussion interventions.The Eating Disorders Symptom Impact Scale(EDSIS) and General Health Questionnaire-12(GHQ12) were undertaken at baseline, at the end of the six-week intervention and after 3 months.At the end of the training, the training satisfaction questionnaire was added.Results:Compared with baseline, at the end of the intervention and after 3 months the scores of EDSIS-guilt and EDSIS-dysregulated behavior decreased, the scores of EDSIS-nutrition increased, and the scores of GHQ-12 decreased(Ps<0.05).The caregivers came from all over the country, 92.8% of them participated in the training more than 75%,and 89.3% of them were satisfied with the effectiveness of skill training with 10 points.Conclusion:The online skills training has good feasibility and acceptability in China.
作者 梁婧涵 李雪霓 韩煦 曹献 LIANG Jinghan;LI Xueni;HAN Xu;CAO Xian(School of Psychology and Cognitive Science,East China Normal University,Shanghai 200062,China;Peking University Sixth Hospital,Peking University Institute of Mental Health,NHC Key Laboratory of Mental Health(Peking University),National Clinical Reseach Center for Mental Disorders(Peking University Sixth Hospital),Beijing 100083,China;Beijing Haidian District Mental Health Prevention and Control Hospital,Beijing 100194,China;Beijing University of Civil Engineering and Achitecture,Beijing 102616,China)
出处 《中国心理卫生杂志》 CSCD 北大核心 2021年第5期360-364,共5页 Chinese Mental Health Journal
关键词 进食障碍 照料者 心理状态 照料负担 照料技能 eating disorder caregiver mental status burden of care care skill
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