
“十三五”图情档学科进展:中外期刊论文研究热点与趋势解析 被引量:7

Progress of Library and Information Science and Archival Science During the 13th Five-year Plan:Analysis on Research Hotspots and Trends of Chinese and Foreign Journal Papers
摘要 [目的/意义]图书馆学、情报学及档案学(简称“图情档学”)是当代培养新型信息知识人才的重要学科,本文揭示“十三五”期间图情档学科中外期刊论文的研究热点及趋势,以期为我国图情档学科的未来研究提供些许思路,有助于推动图情档学科的发展,提升学术话语权。[方法/过程]选取国内的CNKI和国外的Web of Science数据库为数据来源,以2016-2020年图情档的核心期刊论文为研究样本,运用Citespace、VOSviewer、Gephi等可视化软件,从发文量与被引量、关键词共现及时区分布揭示中外文期刊的研究热点以及发展趋势。[结果/结论]研究发现,“十三五”期间,中文期刊论文的发文量呈逐年略递减趋势,外文期刊论文发文量呈现上升趋势,学科领域的研究逐渐面向国际化;中外期刊论文研究热点呈现研究主题多元化、“图书馆”相关主题研究逐步深化、论文主题紧跟本学科的研究热点与动向,但各有侧重等特点;整体呈现出对传统研究领域的坚守与深化,与其他学科的交叉融合发展,向社会公众领域的拓展的研究趋势。 [Purpose/significance]Library science,informaion science and archival science are important sub-jects to cultivate new type of information knowledge talents.This paper reveals the research hotspots and trends of Chinese and foreign periodicals in Library Information and Archives discipline during the 13th Five Year Plan period,in order to provide some ideas for the future subject research in China,which would promote the discipline develop-ment of Library Information and Archives and enhance the academic discourse power.[Method process]This paper selcted domestic CNKI and foreign web of science databases as the data sources,took the core journal papers of Li-brary and information archives from 2016 to 2020 as the research samples,and used the visual software such as Citespace,,VOSviewer and Gephi to reveal the research hotspots and development trends of Chinese and foreign peri-odicals.From the fllowing aspects,the number of publication and citations,the distribution of co-occurrence and timely distribution of keywords,the research hotspots and development trends of Chinese and foreign periodicals were.revealed.[Result/conclusion]During the 13th Five-Year Plan period,the number of papers published in Chinese journals decreased slightly,while the number of papers published in foreign jourmals showed an upward trend.The research in the field of disciplines was gradually internationalized.The characteristics of research hotspots are as fol-lows:the research topics are diversified;The research on related topics of“library”is gradually deepened.Chinese and foreign papers follow the research hotspots and trends of this subject closely,but each has its own emphasis.As a whole,papers in Chinese and foreign jourmals show a research trend of adhering to and deepening the traditional re-search field,integrating with other disciplines and expanding to the publie domain.
作者 赵蓉英 李新来 张兆阳 常茹茹 李芸杉 Zhao Rongying;Li Xinlai;Zhang Zhaoyang;Chang Ruru;Li Yunshan(Research Center for Chinese Science Evaluation,Wuhan University,Wuhan 4300722;Center for Studies of Information Resources,Wuhan University,Wuhan 430072;School of Information Management,Wuhan University,Wuhan 430072)
出处 《图书情报工作》 CSSCI 北大核心 2021年第5期40-48,共9页 Library and Information Service
基金 国家社会科学基金重大项目“构建中国话语权的评价科学理论、方法与应用体系研究”(项目编号:18ZDA325)研究成果之一。
关键词 “十三五” 图情档 学科进展 期刊论文 研究热点 研究趋势 13th Five-Year Plan Library and Information Science Archival Science discipline progress journal papers research hotspots research trends
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