
基于人工蜂群算法的航空电子系统负载均衡研究 被引量:2

Research on Load Balancing of Avionics System Based on Artificial Bee Colony Algorithm
摘要 针对航空电子系统中存在的任务请求多、资源利用率低、负载不均衡等问题,通过基于人工蜂群算法,设计并实现航空电子系统负载平衡机制。建立航空电子系统负载均衡数学模型,通过研究人工蜂群算法的四个阶段来求解航空电子系统的负载均衡,将待分配的计算任务指派给当前负载最轻的处理器。实验结果表明该算法负载均衡效果好。 Aiming at the problems of multi task request,low resource utilization and unbalanced load in avionics system,a load balancing mechanism of avionics system is designed and implemented based on artificial bee colony algorithm.The mathematical model of load balancing in avionics system is established.The four stages of artificial bee colony algorithm are studied to solve the load balance of avionics system,so that computing tasks to be allocated are assigned to the processor with the lightest load.Experimental results show that this algorithm has good load balancing effect.
作者 杜晓燕 杜承烈 刘一帆 韩朋城 DU Xiao-yan;DU Cheng-lie;LIU Yi-fan;HAN Peng-cheng(Department of Computer Science,Northwestern Polytechnical University,Xi'an 710072,China)
出处 《航空电子技术》 2021年第1期27-31,共5页 Avionics Technology
基金 高度综合化软件的设计/集成/验证技术(基金编号JCKY2016607B006)。
关键词 航空电子系统 人工蜂群算法 负载均衡 avionics system artificial bee colony algorithm load balancing
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