
“碳达峰和碳中和”的科学内涵及我国的政策措施 被引量:67

Scientific connotation of“carbon peak and carbon neutrality”and the policy measures of our country
摘要 中国提出的"碳达峰和碳中和"目标是基于统筹国际国内两个大局的战略考量,基于科学论证的国家战略需求提出的,实现这一目标挑战和机遇并存。我国的承诺为全球高质量绿色复苏注入了强心剂和新活力,但实现该目标比发达国家面临更大挑战。它将倒逼我国社会经济结构进行重大调整,对科技创新提出了新要求,会给经济高质量发展、建设美丽中国带来机遇。建议切实贯彻我国"十四五"规划纲要提出的"碳强度控制为主,碳排放总量控制为辅的双控目标",充分考虑将碳排放总量控制目标考核和现有污染减排考核体系相结合,增强"十四五"的行动力。尽快制定碳中和目标下的科技创新规划和实施方案。统筹考虑短期经济复苏、中期结构调整、长期低碳转型,布局低碳/脱碳技术,提升未来绿色产业竞争力。 The goal of“carbon peak and carbon neutrality”proposed by China is based on the strategic considerations of both international and domestic situations and the national strategic needs of scientific demonstration.To achieve this goal,there are both challenges and opportunities.China's commitment has injected a strong stimulus and new vitality into the global high-quality green recovery,but achieving this goal faces greater challenges than developed countries.It will force major readjustment of China's social and economic structure,set new requirements for scientific and technological innovation,while bring opportunities for high-quality economic development and the building of a beautiful China.It is suggested to earnestly implement“the 14th Five-Year-Plan”of“double control targets of carbon intensity control as given priority and carbon emissions control as secondary objectives”,fully consider carbon emissions control target evaluation in combination with the existing pollution reduction evaluation system to enhance“the 14th Five-Year Plan”action power.Meanwhile,it should formulate scientific and technological innovation implementation plan and roadmap under the carbon neutrality target as soon as possible.Taking overall consideration to short-term economic recovery,medium-term structural adjustment and long-term low-carbon transformation,and low-carbon/decarbonization technologies should be laid out to enhance the competitiveness of green industries in the future.
作者 巢清尘 CHAO Qingchen(National Climate Center,Beijing 100081,China)
机构地区 国家气候中心
出处 《环境与可持续发展》 2021年第2期14-19,共6页 Environment and Sustainable Development
基金 国家重点研发计划“气候变化风险的全球治理与国内应对关键问题研究”(批准号:2018YFC1509000) 中英气候变化风险研究。
关键词 碳达峰和碳中和 机遇和挑战 政策措施 carbon peak and carbon neutrality challenges and opportunities policy measures
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