

The Otherness under the Weight of Multiple Powers:The Female Group Image in the Narrative of Rosario Castellanos
摘要 墨西哥女作家罗萨里奥·卡斯特利亚诺斯被认为是20世纪最重要的墨西哥女作家之一,女性和土著族群的社会角色及境况是其最重要的创作主题。本文选取其三部短篇小说集,对卡斯特利亚诺斯笔下的女性群像加以分类剖析,可以看出,女作家笔下的女性角色不只代表女性群体,还代表着印第安部族和社会下层人民等弱势群体,他们活在男性/白人社会中上阶层的话语霸权之下。卡斯特利亚诺斯的女性书写已经超出了女性主义的范畴,而具有了性别研究以外的社会政治方面的多重含义。 Rosario Castellanos is considered to be one of the most important Mexican female writers of the twentieth century.The social roles and circumstances of women and indigenous groups are one of her most important creative themes.This paper selects three sets of short stories and analyzes the female group images in Castellanos narrative works into three categories.It can be seen that the female characters in Castellanos work represent not only female groups,but also such vulnerable groups as the Indian tribes and those with low social status who live under the hegemonic power of the upper class in male/white society.The female writing of Castellanos has gone beyond the scope of feminism,involving multiple meanings of socio-political aspects other than gender studies.
作者 莫娅妮 Mo Yani
出处 《外国语文研究(辑刊)》 2020年第1期120-130,共11页
关键词 新土著主义 女性主义 双重“她者” 话语 权力 new indigenousism feminism double otherness discourse power
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