
博物馆价值网络拓展路径探析--以南京中国科举博物馆为例 被引量:3

The Extension Path of Value Network of Museums—Take Nanjing Imperial Examination Museum as an Example
摘要 博物馆收藏和展示珍贵历史文物和特色物品,具有文化传播和教育功能。博物馆的价值增值和功能完善对提升居民文化素质、增强居民文化自信都极为重要。基于波特的价值链理论,本文提出博物馆价值网络包含四个基本环节:文化资源的搜集、修复和价值挖掘;文化藏品展示的设计和展出;文化创意衍生品的开发和销售;博物馆社会文化教育活动的组织和开展。基于南京中国科举博物馆的典型案例,分析博物馆在价值网络拓展中与政府、产业、大学、研究机构和用户五部门的协同创新过程:紧密与政府合作,破解发展中的基础性难题;广泛与相关产业合作,增加馆藏产品附加价值;多层次与大学合作,培养和发现专业人才;与科研机构合作,修复文物和开展科举文化研究;密切联系最终用户,实现藏品价值和社教功能。最后,提出利用政府和行业平台,搭建多方合作框架;利用文化云平台优化博物馆价值网络等对策建议。 Museums have the function of cultural dissemination and education by collecting and displaying precious historical relics and special articles.The value increment and function perfection of museums are very important to improve the cultural quality and enhance the cultural confidence of the residents.Based on Porter’s value-chain theory,the paper proposes that the museum value network contains four basic links:collection,restoration and value excavation of cultural resources;design and exhibition of cultural collections;development and sales of cultural and creative derivatives;organization of the social,cultural and educational activities of the museum. Taking the Chinese Imperial Examination Museum of Nanjing as an example,this paper analyzes the collaborative innovation process in the development of the value network between the museum and governments,industries,universities,research institutions and users:working closely with the government to solve fundamental problems in development;cooperating extensively with related industries to increase the value of collection products;cooperating with universities in multi-level to train and find professional talents;cooperating with scientific research institutions to restore cultural relics and carry out imperial examination cultural research;closely contacting with end users to achieve the value of the collection and social and educational functions.Finally,the paper raises some proposals,such as using government and industry platforms to build a multi-party cooperation framework,using the cloud platform to optimize the museum value network,and etc.
作者 赵星 冯家红 董帮应 Zhao Xing;Feng Jiahong;Dong Bangying
出处 《文化产业研究》 2020年第2期269-284,共16页 Cultural Industry Research
基金 江苏省高校哲社项目“‘一带一路'倡议下我国文化产业价值链的空间优化研究”(2018SJA0424) 南京晓庄学院科研项目“我国文化产业构建国家价值网络的动力机制研究”(2016NXY22) 南京市重点学科应用经济学(培育学科)学科[宁教高师(2017)7号]项目。
关键词 价值网络拓展 博物馆 政产学研用结合 Extension of Value Network Museum Combined with Governments,Industries,Universities,Scientific Research Institutions and Users
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