Steels have been widely used in manufacturing industries and structural applications because of their high strength,good plasticity and low cost.A superior strength-plasticity synergy of steels has been pursued by material engineers and scientists.Nano/ultrafine-structured steels show excellent mechanical properties,such as excellent hardness and strength,which are attractive as a high-strength steel.However,ultra-high strength steels with nano/ultrafine-grained structure usually have low plasticity at ambient temperature,which restrict their wide applications in many critical areas.Because grain refining results in low ductility of steels at high strength level,it has been a hot topic to develop new means for enhancing plasticity.In order to improve the plasticity of nano/ultrafine grained steels,it is considered to improve the strain hardening ability by tailoring the microstructure.In recent years,many nanostructured steels with high strength and good plasticity have been reported.By summarizing the experimental data and microstructure characteristic of these reported high-strength nano-structured steels,it is concluded that the basic approaches for si-multaneously optimizing the strength and ductility,such as second-phase nano-precipitate,micro/nanocrystalline composite structure,and multiple phase heterogeneous structure.The mechanism of these methods is to improve the strain harding ability of nano/ultrafine grained steels by tuning the structure,so as to maintain uniform plastic deformation or improve the plasticity by phase transformation.These heterogeneous nanostructures are similar to composites,and share common material design and mechanical principles.This review introduces the commonly used strengthening methods for steels.This artical also summarizes the methods for improving the plasti-city of nano/ultra-fine grained high-strength steels,especially by highlighting some novel nanostructured designs to achieve high-strength and high-plasticity of these steels,and discusses the deformation mechanism of these high performance steels.It is expected to provide inspiration for research on enhancing plasticity of the nano/ultra-fine grained high-strength steels.
SHI Yu;LI Zhengning;SHENG Jie;LA Peiqing(State Key Laboratory of Advanced Processing and Recycling of Nonferrous Metals,Lanzhou University of Technology,Lanzhou 730050,China;School of Materials Science and Engineering,Lanzhou Jiaotong University,Lanzhou 730070,China)
Materials Reports