基于思维品质培养的初中英语诗歌阅读教学——以Unit 7 Reading:Seasons of the year两堂同课异构课为例
The Teaching of Poetry Reading Aiming for the Cultivation of Students’Thinking Quality--Taking Two Heterogeneous Classes of Unit 7 Reading:Seasons of the year for Example
摘要以译林版初中《英语》八年级(上)Unit 7 Reading:Seasons of the year的两堂同课异构课教学为例,探究如何在诗歌阅读教学中引导学生体会诗歌的韵律美、语言美和意象美,发展他们思维的逻辑性、批判性和创造性,从而培养其思维品质。认为英语诗歌阅读教学不仅要关注诗歌的文体特征,而且要突出对学生思维品质的培养。
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