

Modern Enlightenment Value of Su Shi’s Literati Politics
摘要 苏轼不仅是中国历史上的旷世文豪,更是中国文人仕宦中的标新立异之士。其文才学识足可与西方智者亚里士多德媲美,而其寓儒家政治伦理于豪放诗文,一生宦海沉浮而士节不屈的书生意气,古今中外罕有其匹。本文论述苏轼少年立志赖有名士范滂垂范与苏母家教,弱冠成名,以仁义辨赏罚,申明儒家仁厚之德为治理原则,法家惩罚之度为治理之术,朝议则重儒抑法,贬谪则随遇而安;辞赋止于山水日月,深意寓于治国理政;申明儒家"天下为公"之伦以约束封建皇权至上的"家天下"之私;阐明国家治乱系于道德之深浅,而非富强之功利。虽有"满腹经纶",屡挫于"一肚子不合时宜",其"身体力行"所折射的文人仕宦之得失教训为:天下为公,经世济民,以德约权,文以载道。 Su Shi is not only a literary giant in Chinese history,but also a maverick in Chinese literati politics.His literary talent and knowledge can rival those of Aristotle,a western sophist.His bold and unconstrained poems contain Confucian political ethics.And few people from ancient and modern China and foreign countries could rival his scholar spirit of unyielding moral integrity during his lifelong ups and downs in officialdom.This paper discusses Su Shi’s resolution to make a name for himself as a teenager,and his success at twenties by virtue of fan Pang’s example and Su’s mother’s family education.He distinguishes reward and punishment by benevolence and justice,affirming that Confucian benevolence is the principle of governance while legalist punishment is the method of governance.And he emphasizes Confucianism and suppresses legalism at Chinese imperial court,while adapts himself to difficult circumstances during his relegation.His Ci and Fu,two types of classical Chinese writing,only mention the mountains and rivers,the sun and the moon,through which his political conception about governing the country is reflected.He affirms that Confucian ethics of"the world belonging to all"can restrict the thought of"family-governed monarchic country"raised by feudal imperial power.He also clarifies that the governance of a country depends on the depth of morality rather than the level of prosperity.Although he was full of wisdom,he was often frustrated by the fact that he was unrecognized.The lessons of his earnestly practice reflecting the gains and losses of literati politics are as follows:because the world belongs to all,people ought to be governed and benefited with morality which is used to restrict power,and the writing is for conveying truth.
作者 单纯 SHAN Chun
出处 《中国政法大学学报》 CSSCI 2021年第1期16-24,共9页 Journal Of CUPL
关键词 以德约权 道德勇气 重儒抑法 文人仕宦 restrict power by morality moral courage emphasizing Confucianism and restraining legalists esquire
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