
构建新型奶业社会化服务体系初探——基于供需均衡视角 被引量:2

Preliminary study on constructing new socialized service system of dairy industry ——Based on the perspective of supply and demand balance
摘要 为探索新型奶业社会化服务体系发展路径,笔者对128个奶牛养殖主体进行问卷调查,基于供需均衡视角探究当前奶业社会化服务供需现状及存在问题。结果表明:奶牛养殖主体对奶业社会化服务需求遍及奶牛养殖各环节,其中对金融借贷、疫病防控和技术培训服务需求最为迫切,不同年龄结构、受教育水平、养殖规模对迫切需要的奶业社会化服务存在差异;奶业社会化服务供给主体主要集中在以政府为主导的畜牧兽医防疫站和以市场为主导的金融机构;服务需求表达不明确、奶业社会化服务组织供给能力不强、奶业社会化服务供需错位是制约奶业社会化服务发展的关键因素。因此,构建新型奶业社会化服务体系需从提高奶牛养殖主体对奶业社会化服务需求意愿、引导奶业社会化服务供给主体从无序向有序转化、建立循环往复的供需双方互动交流机制入手。 In order to explore the development path of the new dairy socialized service system for dairy industry, the author conducted a questionnaire survey among 128 dairy farmers, and explored the current situation and existing problems of supply and demand of dairy socialized service from the perspective of supply and demand balance. The results showed that the demand of dairy farmers for the dairy socialized service was all over the whole process of dairy industry, among which the demand for financial loan, disease prevention and control and technical training services were the most urgent. Different age structure, education level and breeding scale had different demands for dairy socialized service. The main supply of dairy socialized service was mainly the animal husbandry and veterinary epidemic prevention stations led by the government and the financial institutions led by the market. The key factors restricting the development of dairy socialized service were the unclear expression of service demand, the weak supply capacity of dairy socialized service organizations and the dislocation of supply and demand of dairy socialized service. Therefore, to construct a new dairy socialized service system, we need to improve the willingness of dairy farmers to demand for dairy socialized service, guide the main body of dairy socialized service to transform from disorder to order, and establish an interactive communication mechanism between supply and demand.
作者 许佳彬 王洋 李翠霞 XU Jiabin;WANG Yang;LI Cuixia(College of Economics and Management,Northeast Agricultural University,Harbin 150030,China;Heilongjiang Green Food Science Research Institute,Harbin 150028,China)
出处 《黑龙江畜牧兽医》 CAS 北大核心 2021年第4期8-13,共6页 Heilongjiang Animal Science And veterinary Medicine
基金 国家自然科学基金面上项目(71673042) 国家社会科学基金青年项目(16CJY050) 黑龙江省哲学社会科学研究规划项目(19GLH44 16JYE20) 黑龙江省普通本科高等学校青年创新人才项目(UNPYSCT-2017029) 东北农业大学学术骨干项目(16XG22 19XG22)。
关键词 奶业振兴 奶业社会化服务 新型奶业社会化服务体系 供需均衡 奶牛养殖 milk industry revitalization dairy socialized service new dairy socialized service system supply and demand balance dairy farming
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