[目的]揭示TMC5基因在胰腺癌中的表达及预后相关性。[方法]收集Oncomine和CCLE数据库中TMC5相关资料,对其表达情况进行二次分析,利用Kaplan-Meier Plotter数据库分析预后。[结果]Oncomine数据库有关TMC5在不同类型肿瘤中的研究共362项(高表达16项、低表达8项)。胰腺癌相关研究7项,共计187例样本。TMC5在胰腺癌组织中的表达明显高于正常组织(P <0.05)。分析CCLE数据库发现,与多种癌细胞系相比,胰腺癌细胞系中TMC5高表达,其mRNA表达水平排名第一。Kaplan-Meier Plotter数据库阐明胰腺癌患者的总生存与TMC5表达水平无关(HR=1.56,95%CI:0.93~2.61,P=0.09),但低表达组患者的无复发生存(RFS)明显优于高表达组(HR=5.37,95%CI:1.26~22.99,P=0.011)。[结论]通过Oncomine和CCLE数据库我们发现胰腺癌中TMC5表达水平升高,高表达患者RFS缩短,因此,检测TMC5表达及靶向该基因的药物有望成为胰腺癌诊疗的重要手段之一。
[Objective]Reveal TMC5 gene expression and prognosis in pancreatic cancer.[Method]Oncomine and CCLE database were collected to analyze the expression of TMC5,and Kaplan-Meier Plotter database was used to analyze the prognosis.[Result]Oncomine database has 362 studies on TMC5 in different types of tumors( 16 with high expression and 8 with low expression). Pancreatic cancer has 7 related studies,a total of 187 samples. The expression of TMC5 in pancreatic carcinoma was significantly higher than that in normal tissues( P < 0. 05). The analysis of CCLE database showed that TMC5 was highly expressed in pancreatic cancer cell lines compared with other cancer cell lines,and its mRNA expression level ranked first. Kaplan-Meier Plotter database showed that the overall survival of pancreatic cancer patients was not related to expression level of TMC5( HR = 1. 56,95% CI: 0. 93-2. 61,P = 0. 09),but the relapse-free survival( RFS) of patients with low expression was significantly better than that of patients with high expression( HR = 5. 37,95% CI: 1. 26-22. 99,P = 0. 011). [Conclusion]Through Oncomine and CCLE database,we found that the expression level of TMC5 in pancreatic cancer was increased,and RFS of patients with high expression was shortened. Therefore,the detection of TMC5 expression and drugs targeting this gene are expected to become one of the important means during the diagnosis and treatment of pancreatic cancer.
LI Ping(Department of Oncology,The First Affiliated Hospital of Nanjing Medical University,Nanjing 210029,China)