
教育资源配置均衡化实证研究——以滇西北民族地区城乡接合部为例 被引量:1

Empirical Study on the Balanced Allocation of Educational Resources:A Case Study of the Urban-rural Fringe Areas in Northwest Yunnan Minority Regions
摘要 教育资源配置均衡化是教育公平的起点,随着我国实施教育发展战略的要求及滇西北民族地区教育发展的现实需要,定位于滇西北民族地区城乡接合部教育资源均衡的系统性和实证分析,立足于区域教育资源的均衡发展,以教育资源的配置为切入点,以丽江金山白族乡为研究区域,对研究区域教育资源配置展开研究,以期为滇西北民族地区城乡接合部教育资源配置均衡化提供意见建议。首先,调研滇西北民族地区城乡接合部教育资源均衡配置的现状;其次,分析滇西北民族地区城乡接合部教育资源均衡化配置存在的问题;最后,结合滇西北民族地区城乡接合部教育资源配置的实际情况找出教育资源配置均衡化策略。 Balanced allocation of educational resources is the starting point of educational equity.According to the requirements of our country’s educational development strategy and the practical needs of the educational development in the minority regions of Northwest Yunnan,this article aims to conduct a systematic and empirical analysis of the allocation of educational resources in rural urban fringe in Northwest Yunnan minority regions.Based on the goal of balanced development of regional educational resources,this paper takes the allocation of educational resources as the starting point,and the Jinshan Bai Nationality Township of Lijiang as the research area to study the allocation of educational resources,so as to provide suggestions for the balanced allocation of educational resources in the rural urban fringe in Northwest Yunnan minority regions.Firstly,it investigates the current situation of the allocation of educational resources in the rural urban fringe in Northwest Yunnan minority regions.Secondly,it analyzes the problems existing in the allocation of educational resources in these regions.Finally,it puts forward a strategy for the balanced allocation of educational resources combined with the actual situation of the allocation of educational resources in these regions.
作者 陈艳丽 张禄 李江顺 CHEN Yan-li;ZHANG Lu;LI Jiang-shun(School of Foreign Languages,Lijiang Teachers College,Lijiang,Yunnan 674199,China;School of Physical Education and Health,Lijiang Teachers College,Lijiang,Yunnan 674199,China)
出处 《教育教学论坛》 2021年第9期47-50,共4页 Education And Teaching Forum
基金 2020年度滇西北少数民族地区教育资源配置问题及优化策略研究——以丽江市金山白族乡为例(QNXM-202008) 2020年度云南省教育厅科学研究项目“滇西北地区‘直过民族’传统体育文化形态与生态补偿机制研究”(2020J0820)。
关键词 滇西北民族地区 教育资源 配置均衡 minority regions in Northwest Yunnan educational resources balanced allocation
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