在疫情特殊时期,针对学生居家在线上课的特殊情况,笔者以两个大一本科生班为研究对象,设计了基于WE Learn随行课堂、腾讯会议和QQ群等三种工具相结合的组合式在线教学模式,开展了以WE Learn主题论坛为主导、腾讯会议讲解和QQ群答疑为辅助的在线教学探索.为了探索这种在线教学对学习策略使用情况的影响,本研究采用Oxford学习策略调查量表,对两个班级同学进行了问卷调查.采用SPSS22.0统计软件对调查问卷进行了系统的对比分析,考察了两个班级使用学习策略的整体改进情况和具体的改进项目.结果表明,新冠疫情期间,组合在线教学模式使两个班学生的学习策略使用频率整体得到提高,P值显示出策略均值发生了显著性变化或比较明显的变化,这说明学生更加频繁地使用学习策略.在居家学习期间,学生的情感策略发生了显著性或者明显的积极变化.所采用的以主题论坛为主导的组合式在线教学模式,强化了学生在英语学习中的应用意识,激发了学生“使用一切途径练习英语”的强烈意识.研究结果为后续的教学模式改进提供了方向,线上教学是线下教学模式的有益补充.
The paper aims to explore the relation between online teaching model and learning strategies during the period of epidemic prevention and control.In view of the special situation of students'home-based online classes,this study took two freshman undergraduate classes as the research object,and carried out the combined online teaching with WELearn forum as the leading role,Tencent conference and QQ group as the auxiliary.By using the Oxford learning strategy questionnaire and spss22.0 software,this paper investigates the changes of learning strategy of the students.The results show that the combined online teaching mode increased the overall mean value of learning strategies of the two classes.During the one-semester's home-based online learning,students'emotional strategies have changed significantly under the circumstances of loneliness and anxiety.The online teaching led by the theme forum has aroused the students'strong awareness of"using all ways to practice English",and strengthened the awareness of English application.The research results provide direction for the improvement of the following teaching mode.
GUO Wenjuan(School of Foreign Languages,TCU,Tianjin300384,China)
Journal of Tianjin Chengjian University