以长三角地区26个地市为研究对象,构建城乡协调发展的评价指标,用全局主成分分析方法计算出长三角26市城乡协调发展水平综合得分。在此基础上,利用全局Moran's I指数、局部莫兰散点图对长三角地区城乡协调发展的时空分布特征进行分析。结果表明:长三角东西部地区城乡协调发展分布不均衡,但是空间集聚特征整体上稳定在较高的水平;各地级市城乡协调发展水平差异明显,HH型、LL型和LH型城市分别集中在长三角的东部、西部和中部,HL型的城市主要为南京和杭州,并且长三角地区城乡协调发展水平在空间分布上的差异性在逐渐减小。最后,基于实证研究的结果,就推动长三角地区城乡协调发展提出政策建议。
This article takes 26 prefectures and cities in the Yangtze River Delta as the research object,constructs an evaluation index for the coordinated development of urban and rural areas,and uses the global principal component analysis method to calculate the comprehensive scores of the coordinated development of urban and rural areas in the Yangtze River Delta.On this basis,the global Moran's I index and the local Moran scatter plot are used to analyze the temporal and spatial distribution characteristics of the coordinated development of urban and rural areas in the Yangtze River Delta.The results show that the coordinated development of urban and rural areas in the east and west of the Yangtze River Delta is unevenly distributed,but the spatial agglomeration characteristics are generally stable at a relatively high level;the level of coordinated development of urban and rural areas in cities at various levels differs significantly,with HH,LL,and LH cities concentrated in in the eastern,western and central parts of the Yangtze River Delta,the HL-type cities are mainly Nanjing and Hangzhou,and the difference in the spatial distribution of the coordinated development of urban and rural areas in the Yangtze River Delta is gradually decreasing.Finally,based on the results of the empirical research,policy recommendations are made to promote the coordinated development of urban and rural areas in the Yangtze River Delta.
ZHANG Lu-fei;WANG Ding(School of International Trade and Economics,Anhui University of Finance and Economics,Bengbu 233030,China)
Value Engineering
Yangtze River Delta
urban-rural coordination
spatial autocorrelation
Moran index