

Research on the role of three kinds of consciousness in the successful convening of Gutian Conference
摘要 古田会议成功召开是各种因素促成的结果,这是历史的发展必然。树立问题意识、坚持问题导向是古田会议成功召开的基础。会议组织者敢于正视红四军党内思想分歧是古田会议召开的前提,坚持调查研究是解决红四军党内矛盾的基础。树立大局意识、坚决维护党的团结统一是古田会议成功召开的关键。维护党的团结统一是解决党内分歧的根本目的,坚持立党为公、襟怀坦白是解决党内分歧的正确方法。树立改革创新意识,坚持马克思主义中国化是古田会议成功召开的根本保证。古田会议开辟了思想建党的成功之路,确保思想纯洁、认知统一;开辟了政治建军的成功之路,确保集中领导、行动一致。 The successful convening of the Gutian Conference is the result of various factors, which is the inevitable development of history. First of all, establishing a problem awareness and adhering to the problem orientation is the basis for the successful convening of Gutian Conference. The fact that conference organizers dared to face up to the ideological differences within the Red Fourth Army is the premise of Gutian Conference, and that they insisted on investigation and research is the basis for resolving the contradictions within the Red Fourth Army. Secondly, establishing a sense of the overall situation and resolutely safeguarding the unity of the Party is the key to the successful convening of Gutian Conference. Safeguarding the unity of the Party is the fundamental purpose of resolving differences within the Party. Sticking to the Party for the public and confessing the truth is the correct way to resolve differences within the Party. Finally, establishing a sense of reform and innovation and adhering to the sinicization of Marxism is the fundamental guarantee for the successful convening of Gutian Conference. Gutian Conference opened up the road to success in ideological Party-building, ensuring pure thinking and unified understanding, and paved the way for building armed forces through political work,ensuring centralized leadership and concerted action.
作者 俞文斌 YU Wen-bin(Liancheng County Party School of CPC,Liancheng,Fujian,366200,China)
出处 《闽西职业技术学院学报》 2021年第1期15-18,共4页 Journal of Minxi Vocational and Technical College
关键词 古田会议 问题意识 大局意识 改革创新意识 Gutian Conference problem awareness overall situation awareness reform and innovation consciousness
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