
新冠肺炎疫情下的全球粮食安全:影响路径与应对战略 被引量:22

Global food security under COVID-19:impact path and coping strategy
摘要 新冠肺炎疫情全球大流行对世界和平与发展进程产生了深刻影响,对维护世界粮食安全带来了严峻挑战。新冠肺炎疫情通过激化引起全球饥饿的驱动因素如经济衰退和下滑、冲突与不稳定等对全球粮食安全造成负面影响。具体而言,疫情干扰了全球粮食供应链的稳定和畅通,削弱了脆弱国家和人群获取粮食的能力,加剧了政治不稳定和冲突。新冠肺炎疫情的消极影响也折射了治理体系不平等、粮食体系缺乏适应性和韧性、粮食贸易脆弱性和波动性频发等全球粮食安全治理困境。新冠肺炎疫情与粮食安全相互影响,需要以人类安全的整体视角来治理。短期来看,抗击疫情需要大国承担责任,共同提供推动世界经济复苏、畅通和稳定全球粮食供应链等全球公共产品,提升对弱势国家和群体援助的协同性和有效性。长期而言,国际社会需要建设更加公正、合理、以人为本的全球粮食安全治理体系,提升发展中国家粮食生产能力,利用数字转型提升治理效率。 The global pandemic of the COVID-19 has had a profound impact on the process of world peace and development,and has also brought severe challenges to maintaining world food security.The COVID-19 has negatively affected global food security by intensifying the driving factors that cause global hunger,such as economic recession and decline,conflict and instability.Specifically,the COVID-19 has disrupted the stability and smooth flow of the global food supply chain,undermined the ability of vulnerable countries and populations to access to food,and aggravated political instability and conflicts in some countries and regions.The negative impact of the COVID-19 also reflects the dilemma of global food security governance,such as inequality in the governance system,lack of adaptability and resilience in the food system,fragility and frequent volatility of food trade.Because COVID-19 and food security interact with each other,the negative impact of COVID-19 on global food security needs to be addressed in the overall perspective of human security.In the short run,the fight against the COVID-19 requires major countries to take responsibility,jointly provide global public goods such as promoting world economic recovery,unblocking and stabilizing the global food supply chain,and enhance the synergy and effectiveness of assistance to vulnerable countries and groups.In the long run,the international community needs to build a more just,reasonable and people-oriented global food security governance system,enhance the food production capacity of developing countries,and use digital transformation to improve governance efficiency.
作者 张蛟龙 ZHANG Jiaolong
出处 《世界农业》 CSSCI 2021年第4期4-12,111,共10页 World Agriculture
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