
基于卫星灯光遥感图像数据的全球典型国家夜间光环境分布评估 被引量:3

Assessing Light Pollution in Typical Countries of the World Based on Nighttime Light Imagery
摘要 夜间人工光治理已经是生态光环境的重要议题之一。夜光遥感技术从外空视角为夜间光环境研究提供了丰富的数据库,但当前遥感为基础的夜间光环境研究在时间序列、大尺度研究方面较少。为揭示全球夜间灯光的时间演变及空间格局,本文使用DMSP-OLS、NPP-VIIRS两类开源夜间灯光遥感数据,以三个夜间灯光参量,对1992—2018年全球典型国家的夜间光环境的时空演变格局进行评估,并探讨相关社会影响因素。研究发现:(1)全球夜间灯光总量占比最多的国家分别是美国、俄国、中国、印度、加拿大、巴西;(2)以美国、俄国、加拿大为代表的发达国家夜间灯光均值呈下降趋势,以中国、印度、巴西为代表的发展中国家夜间灯光均值呈上升趋势;(3)夜间灯光数值较高的国家主要分布在亚洲、欧洲和美洲;(4)夜间光环境水平和国家社会指标(GDP、国家人口总量)密切相关。 Artificial light management at night has been one of the important issues of ecological light environment.Luminous remote sensing technology provides a large amount of data support for the study of night light environment,but current research lacks long-term and large-scale light environment evaluation and research.To reveal the spatial and temporal patterns of variation and night lights of the world,DMSP-OLS and NPP-VIIRS,these two types of free open-source remote sensing data lights at night are used.With three lights parameters at night,spatial and temporal trend of the light conditions at night is assessed from 1992 to 2018 in typical countries of the world and the relevant social factors are discussed.The study found that:(1)The countries that contribute the most of night lights in the world are the United States,Russia,China,India,Canada,and Brazil;(2)The average night lights in developed countries represented by the United States,Russia,and Canada show a downward trend.The average night lights in developing countries represented by China,India and Brazil,show a upward trend;(3)The countries with higher value in night lights are mainly in Asia,Europe and the Americas;(4)Night light environment and the country’s social indicators(GDP,national Population)is closely related.
作者 刘鸣 刘郁川 郝庆丽 江威 焦伟利 LIU Ming;LIU Yuchuan;HAO Qingli;JIANG Wei;JIAO Weili(School of Architecture and Fine Art, Dalian University of Technology, Dalian 116024, China;China Institute of Water Resources and Hydropower Research, Beijing 100038, China;Postdoctoral workstation of China Reinsurance (Group) Corporation, Beijing 100033, China;Aerospace Information Research Institute,Chinese Academy of Sciences, Beijing 100094, China)
出处 《照明工程学报》 2021年第2期126-134,共9页 China Illuminating Engineering Journal
基金 国家重点研发计划(项目编号:2017YFE0125900) 国家自然科学基金(项目编号:51678103) 辽宁省自然科学基金(项目编号:20170540165)。
关键词 光污染 夜间生态环境 卫星遥感 夜光图像 空间格局 light pollution night ecological environment remote sensing nighttime light imagery spatiotemporal patterns
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