
厦门海岸类型变迁与经济发展的关联性研究 被引量:5

The Relative of Coastal Change Characteristic and Economic Development in Xiamen
摘要 为定量研究沿海城市经济高速发展对其海岸类型变迁的影响以及海岸类型变迁历程对经济发展阶段的响应作用,文章基于厦门地区30余年来海岸类型和海洋经济的统计数据,阐明自厦门经济特区成立以来不同海岸类型占比变化与海洋经济总值和产业类型变化的规律及其关联性。厦门海岸类型变迁经历3个阶段:1984—2000年,海岸开发利用处于起步阶段,海岸利用类型为以盐业和渔业为主的粗放型和集约化的低产值类型;2000—2010年,海岸开发利用处于高速发展阶段,海岸利用类型为以大规模填海造地、交通运输和旅游娱乐为主的开发型高产值类型;2010年至今,海岸开发利用处于合理开发与保护并行且以保护为重的恢复阶段,海岸利用类型为生态恢复和软质护岸等近自然类型。厦门海岸类型变迁与经济发展密切相关,人类日益增长的物质文明和生态文明需求对城市海岸类型变迁的响应特征十分显著。从粗放型第一产业,到发展型第二产业,再到保护型第三产业,经济发展从理念与要求并存到理念超越要求,最终实现理念与要求和谐共存和相融互进的经济发展模式。 In order to quantitatively study the impact of the rapid economic development of coastal cities on the changes of their coastal types and the response of the changes of coastal types to the stages of economic development,this paper expounded the correlation between the changes in the proportion of different coastal types and the changes in the total marine economic value and industrial types since the establishment of Xiamen special economic zone,based on the analysis of the coastal type and marine economic statistics in Xiamen over the past 30 years.The coastal type of Xiamen had undergone 3 stages of change:1)from 1984 to 2000,the coastal development and utilization of Xiamen was at the initial stage,and the coastal utilization type was extensive and intensive with low output value dominated by salt industry and fishery industry.2)from 2000 to 2010,the coastal development and utilization of Xiamen was in the stage of rapid development,and the coastal utilization was characterized by large-scale reclamation,transportation and tourism and entertainment.3)from 2010 to now,the coastal development and utilization of Xiamen had been in the stage of conservation and restoration where reasonable development and protection go hand in hand and protection was given priority to.The coastal utilization was a near-nature type such as ecological restoration and soft revetment.The coastal type change in Xiamen was closely related to economic development,and the increasing demand of human material civilization and ecological civilization had a significant response to the urban coastal type change.From extensive primary industry,to developing secondary industry,and then to protecting tertiary industry,the economic development had changed from the coexistence of ideas and requirements to the surpassing of requirements,and finally realized the economic development mode of harmonious coexistence and mutual integration of ideas and requirements.
作者 曹超 朱铠 蔡锋 戚洪帅 苏燕 潘祥进 CAO Chao;ZHU Kai;CAI Feng;QI Hongshuai;SU Yan;PAN Xiangjin(Third Institution of Oceanography,MNR,Xiamen 361005,China;College of Civil Engineering of Fuzhou University,Fuzhou 350108,China)
出处 《海洋开发与管理》 2021年第4期69-74,共6页 Ocean Development and Management
基金 国家自然科学基金项目(42076058、41930538、41406059) 自然资源部第三海洋研究所基本科研业务费项目(海三科2019006).
关键词 海岸线 海岸带 海岸类型 海洋经济 陆海统筹 Coastline Coastal zone Coastal type Marine economy Land-sea coordination
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