

In-Plane Dynamic Crushing ofContinuous Gradient Variable Auxetic Honeycomb Structure
摘要 研究了一种连续梯变拉胀蜂窝结构,对该结构的相对密度公式进行了推导,采用Abaqus/Explicit建立了蜂窝结构的数值模型,研究了蜂窝结构在不同冲击速度下的变形模式并获得了变形模式分类图,对不同厚度的蜂窝结构在不同速度下的动力学响应和能量吸收情况进行了研究。研究结果表明,蜂窝结构变形模式主要分为准静态模式、转换模式和动态模式,正梯度变化(Positive gradient vary,PGV)蜂窝结构相比负梯度变化(Negative gradient vary,NGV)蜂窝结构的转换模式区域覆盖范围更大,在冲击的初始阶段,PGV蜂窝结构的初始峰值应力相比NGV蜂窝结构更高,蜂窝结构的比能量吸收则随着壁厚的增加和冲击速度的提高而增加,NGV蜂窝结构相比PGV蜂窝结构具有更好的能量吸收能力,并且随着冲击速度的增加,优势更为明显。 A continuous gradient variable auxetic honeycomb structure was studied,and relative density formula of the honeycomb structure was deduced.The numerical model of honeycomb structure was established by Abaqus/Explicit,the deformation mode of honeycomb structure under different impact velocities was studied,and the deformation mode classification chart was obtained.The dynamic response and energy absorption of honeycomb structures with different thickness and velocity were studied.The results show that deformation modes of honeycomb structure are mainly divided into quasi static mode,transition mode and dynamic mode.The transition mode coverage of positive gradient vary(PGV)honeycomb structure is more than that of negative gradient vary(NGV)honeycomb structure.In the initial stage of impact,the initial peak stress of PGV honeycomb structure is higher than that of NGV honeycomb structure,and the SEA of the honeycomb structure increases as the wall thickness and velocity increase.NGV honeycomb structure has better energy absorption than PGV honeycomb structure,and the advantage is more obvious as the impact velocity increases.
作者 邓小林 DENG Xiao-lin(Department of Scientific Research,Wuzhou University,Guangxi Wuzhou543002,China)
机构地区 梧州学院科研处
出处 《机械设计与制造》 北大核心 2021年第4期195-200,共6页 Machinery Design & Manufacture
基金 国家自然科学基金项目(52065059) 广西自然科学基金联合资助培育项目(2018JJA110101) 广西科技基地和人才专项(2020AC19011)。
关键词 连续梯变 拉胀 蜂窝结构 面内冲击 Continuous Gradient Variable Auxetic Honeycomb Structure In-plane Crushing
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