
基于生态系统服务的闽江流域生态补偿阈值研究 被引量:18

Study on Eco-compensation Thresholds of Min River Basin Based on Ecosystem Services
摘要 研究目的:流域是自然地理和经济发展的复合型区域,科学划分补偿载体与合理补偿阈值可为流域生态补偿与生态保护修复提供科学依据。研究方法:InVEST模型,市场价值法,影子工程法,生态补偿优先级与补偿阈值测算模型。研究结果:(1)2000—2015年闽江流域拥有较高的生态系统服务,总体上生态系统服务上游>中游>下游,且自生态补偿实施以来总体呈增长趋势,水源供给服务最为明显;(2)2015年生态系统服务价值为2788.27亿元,其中水源供给服务价值占比达61.91%,水质净化服务价值仅占0.16%,按生境质量调整后生态系统服务价值为2827.05亿元;(3)根据生态与社会经济状况确定浦城县、武夷山市、光泽县、松溪县、建阳市、顺昌县、建瓯市、政和县、连城县、宁化县、清流县、建宁县、明溪县、泰宁县、将乐县为受偿区,其他区域为补偿支付区;(4)依据区域生态系统服务价值与损失的机会成本,确定受偿区2015年补偿阈值介于8.48亿~105.56亿元之间。研究结论:闽江流域作为中国东南沿海的重点生态功能区,上游对生态补偿迫切程度整体较下游区域更强烈,探索有差异且合理的生态补偿阈值有助于实现区域经济—社会—生态协同发展。 The purposes of this paper are to scientifically divide compensation carriers and reasonable compensation thresholds and to provide the scientific basis for the eco-compensation and ecological protection and restoration of the basin that is a compound area of natural geography and economic development.The research methods include InVEST model,market value method,shadow engineering method,eco-compensation priority and compensation thresholds calculation model.The results show that (1)the Min River Basin had high ecosystem services from 2000 to 2015.In general,the upstream had the highest ecosystem services while that of the downstream was the lowest,and since the implemented of ecocompensation,the overall trend was increasing,amongst which the increase of water supply service was the most obvious.(2)The ecosystem service values were 2788.27×108 CNY in 2015,of which the value of water supply service accounted for 61.91%,the value of water purification service was the lowest,accounted for only 0.16%.The ecosystem service values adjusted according to the habitat quality was 2827.05×108 CNY.(3)According to ecological and socioeconomic conditions,Pucheng,Wuyishan,Guangze,Songxi,Jianyang,Shunchang,Jianou,Zhenghe,Liancheng,Ninghua,Qingliu,Jianning,Mingxi,Taining,Jiangle were determined as the claim areas,while the other areas were the compensation payment areas.At the same time,Shaowu was determined as the reference area to calculate the loss of compensation for regional development right.(4)According to regional ecosystem service values and the opportunity costs of lost,the compensation thresholds of compensation objects in 2015 was determined to be between 8.48×108 and 105.56×108 CNY.In conclusion,as a key ecological function area in the southeast coast of China,the Min River Basin is more urgent for eco-compensation in the upstream than downstream,and exploring different and reasonable eco-compensation thresholds will benefit the coordinated development of regional economy,society and ecology.
作者 严有龙 王军 王金满 YAN Youlong;WANG Jun;WANG Jinman(School of Land Science and Technology,China University of Geosciences(Beijing),Beijing 100083,China;Land Consolidation and Rehabilitation Center,Ministry of Natural Resources,Beijing 100035,China;Key Laboratory of Land Consolidation and Rehabilitation,Ministry of Natural Resources,Beijing 100035,China)
出处 《中国土地科学》 CSSCI CSCD 北大核心 2021年第3期97-106,共10页 China Land Science
关键词 流域生态补偿 生态系统服务 InVEST模型 补偿阈值 闽江流域 watershed eco-compensation ecosystem services InVEST model compensation thresholds Min River Basin
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