

Synthesis and Application of Holey Nitrogen-Doped Graphene Material(C_(2)N)
摘要 多孔氮化石墨烯C_(2)N材料,凭借氮原子均匀掺杂石墨烯而形成具有周期性孔洞的二维富氮网络结构,近年来受到学术界的高度关注。本文综述了C_(2)N材料的最新研究进展,包括其合成方法、出众的结构力学、光吸收、热学和电磁性能,以及在电子器件、吸附分离、绿色催化和生物应用等方面的应用。预期C2N材料将在未来一段时间内形成研究热潮。 A brand-new nitrogenated graphene-like two-dimensional material(C2N)has attracted considerable attention due to its special two-dimension nitro-rich network,which possesses regularly distributed N-containing holes.This article summarizes recent proceeding of the C_(2)N material including synthesis,excellent mechanical,optical absorption,thermal,electrical and magnetic properties,as well as various applications,such as electronic devices,adsorption materials,green catalysts,drug carriers and so on.The C_(2)N material is predicted to cause a research upsurge in the future.
作者 罗贤升 邓汉林 赵江颖 李志华 柴春鹏 黄木华 Xiansheng Luo;Hanlin Deng;Jiangying Zhao;Zhihua Li;Chunpeng Chai;Muhua Huang(School of Material Science and Engineering,Beijing Institute of Technology,Beijing 100081,China;Gansu Yinguang Chemical Industry Group Co.,Ltd,Baiyin 730900,China)
出处 《化学进展》 SCIE CAS CSCD 北大核心 2021年第3期355-367,共13页 Progress in Chemistry
基金 国家自然科学基金项目(No.21772013) 北京市自然科学基金项目(No.2202049)资助
关键词 多孔氮化石墨烯 C_(2)N材料 电子器件 吸附分离 绿色催化 生物应用 holey nitrogenated graphene C_(2)N material electronic devices gas adsorption and separation green catalysis biological application
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