
改性碳纳米管水泥基复合材料热电非平衡融冰性能 被引量:2

Non-equilibrium Thermoelectric Deicing Performance of Modified Carbon Nanotube Cement-based Composites
摘要 采用压制成型及浇筑成型相结合的方式,制备了平板状热电水泥基复合材料融冰实验模块。通过恒流电源与数据记录仪组成的测试装置监测了室温下单块模块两侧以及水泥基复合材料融冰模块两侧的温度变化及电压变化,研究了水泥基复合材料两侧的温度随通电电流大小及通电时间的变化规律,计算了试样两侧的平均温差以及额定时间内所产生的焦耳热。随着通电电流逐渐变大,两侧升温速率逐渐加快,温差也逐渐增大。水泥基复合材料(N型半导体)中的电子载流子随着电场强度的递增,其在电场中的迁移越发明显,即帕尔贴效应逐渐增强。由于水泥基复合材料与环境之间存在热交换,遂其表面温度存在上限。于冰箱中模拟了融冰实验,当通电电流分别为1.0 A、2.0 A、3.0 A时,冰块完全融化的温度虽有所差别,但实测的融冰时间与预测值基本一致。当通电电流为3 A时,正负极两侧的融冰时间相差23 min。因此,温差路面的研究对路面融冰技术的发展具有一定的指导意义。 Combining compression molding and pouring molding,flat decing module of thermoelectric cement-based composite material was prepared,which overcame the defect of breaking due to thermal stress,expands the heat transfer surface of the composite material and strengthens the thermoelectric core.The temperature changes and voltage changes on both sides of a single module and flat cement-based composite mate-rials at room temperature were monitored through a test device composed of a constant current power supply and a data recorder.The variation law of the temperature on both sides of the cement-based composite material with the energized current and the energized time was studied,and the average temperature difference between the two sides of the sample and the Joule heat generated within the rated time were calculated.As the energizing current gradually increased,the heating rate on both sides gradually increased,and the temperature difference also gradually increased.As the electric field strength increases,the migration of electron carriers became more apparent in cement-based composite materials(N-type semiconductors),that enhanced the Peltier effect.Due to the heat exchanged between the cement-based composite material and the environment,there was an upper limit to its surface temperature.The ice-melting experiment was simulated in the refrigerator.When the energized currents were 1.0 A,2.0 A,and 3.0 A,the final temperature of ice melting was different,but the measured ice melting time was basically consis-tent with the predicted value.When the energizing current was 3 A,the ice melting time on both sides of the positive and negative electrodes differed by 23 min.Therefore,the study of"temperature difference pavement"had certain guiding significance for the development of pavement ice melting technology.
作者 张梦杰 李翔 乔师帅 王元 魏剑 ZHANG Mengjie;LI Xiang;QIAO Shishuai;WANG Yuan;WEI Jian(College of Materials Science and Engineering,Xi’an University of Architecture and Technology,Xi’an 710055,China;CCCC High Technology Industry Development Co.Ltd,Xi’an 710065,China)
出处 《材料导报》 EI CAS CSCD 北大核心 2021年第8期49-55,共7页 Materials Reports
基金 国家自然科学基金面上项目(51578448,51308447) 陕西省自然科学基础研究计划重大基础研究项目(2017ZDJC-18) 留学人员科技活动择优资助项目(陕人社函[2016]789号) 陕西省教育厅科学研究计划协同创新中心项目(20JY042)。
关键词 平板状热电水泥基复合材料 表面温度分布 融冰实验 焦耳热 flat thermoelectric cement-based composite surface temperature distribution ice melting experiment Joule heating
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