
个体与共同体:马克思阐释社会历史发展的一对基本范畴 被引量:9

Individual and Community: A Pair of Basic Categories of Marx’s Interpretation of Social-historical Development
摘要 以往学术界对马克思社会历史发展理论的研究,大都围绕生产力与生产关系、经济基础与上层建筑等范畴展开,而未给予个体与共同体这对范畴以充分的重视。事实上,对个体与共同体及其关系的论述贯穿于马克思对社会历史发展思考的始终。通过对不同历史阶段个体与共同体的性质及其关系的剖析,马克思揭示了不同历史阶段的基本特征:在前资本主义阶段,个体是具有"依附性"的个体,共同体是以"自然联系"为基础构建起的共同体,个体与共同体的关系是直接统一的关系;在资本主义阶段,个体是具有"抽象性"的个体,共同体是以"货币—资本"为纽带构建起的共同体,个体与共同体的关系是相互对立的关系;在共产主义阶段,个体是"全面而自由的发展"的个体,共同体是以"自由人联合"为基础构建起的共同体,个体与共同体的关系是辩证统一的关系。马克思的这一研究视角,深刻地揭示了人类社会历史发展的内在逻辑,彰显了其历史发展理论的多维性与丰富性。 In the past, academic research on Marx’s social-historical development theory mostly focused on the categories of productivity and production relations, economic foundation and superstructure, and did not give full attention to the category of individual and community. In fact, the discussion of the individual and the community and their relationship runs through Marx’s thinking about the development of social history.Through the analysis of the nature and relationship between individuals and communities in different historical stages, Marx revealed the basic characteristics of different historical stages: In the stage of pre-capitalist,the community is a "natural community" built on the basis of "natural connection". The individual is a "dependent individual" living on the community, and the relationship between individuals and the community is directly unified. In the stage of capitalism, the community is a "formal community" constructed with the "currency-capital" as the link. The individual is an "abstract individual" ruled by objects, and the relationship between the individual and the community is mutually opposed;In the stage of communist, the community is a "true community" constructed on the basis of "free people’s union". The individual is a completely independent "comprehensive and free development individual", and the relationship between the individual and the community is dialectical and unified. This research perspective of Marx profoundly reveals the inherent logic of the historical development of human society and demonstrates the multidimensionality and richness of his historical development theory.
作者 汪信砚 孔婷 Wang Xinyan;Kong Ting
出处 《马克思主义理论学科研究》 CSSCI 2021年第2期15-24,共10页 Studies on Marxist Theory
关键词 马克思 个体 共同体 社会历史发展 Marx individual community social-historical development
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