After World WarⅡ,affected by the war and the advent of the consumer era,modern design ethics is facing some new challenges.The most important problem is the display of design subject consciousness.The Ulm School of Design,established after the war,stands at the forefront of the times and takes the lead in advocating to awaken the designers’sense of subjectivity by strengthening their sense of social responsibility.In this process,it has formed its own design ethics,which has greatly promoted the development of modern design ethics and a huge impact on the design activities of later generations.Based on the in-depth analysis of the German social background after World WarⅡ,this article focuses on discussing and summarizing the design ethics of the HFG through the analysis of the subtle manifestations,causes and harms of the German design subject consciousness at that time,in order to provide certain inspiration and reference for the development and transformation of our country’s design at this stage.
Creation and Design