结合某市地铁某号线工程综合支吊架施工图设计,系统地进行了地铁车站综合支吊架结构设计要点分析。在各管线荷载提资及综合支吊架承载力提资的基础上,基于有限元软件进行了综合支吊架结构受力分析。根据计算结果,设备区及公共区通常分别是底座承载力、跨度大的横杆应力控制了最大水平间距;设备区管线进行综合有利于减少工程数量,而公共区管线综合,为了美观往往会在一定程度加大工程数量;进而提出了减小车站综合支吊架总工程数量的优化建议,同时总结了150 mm厚轨顶风道平板下挂综合支吊架需注意的要点。所有要点均力求使整个综合支吊架体系受力安全合理,可供工程实践中地铁车站综合支吊架结构设计及实施参考。
According to integrated support and hanger drawing design of a practical subway route,key points of structural design of integrated support and hanger in underground subway station are systematically discussed.On the basis of each pipeline load and load-bearing capacity data,structural calculations of integrated support and hanger are carried out based on finite element software.According to the relative results,the maximum horizontal spacing is usually controlled by the bearing capacity of support in the equipment area,and it’s usually controlled by stress of the horizontal bar with large span in the public area.The integration of pipelines in the equipment area is beneficial to reduce total weight of support and hanger,while the same measure in the public area tends to increase its total weight to some extent for the sake of aesthetics.Some suggestions for optimization are put forward to reduce the total engineering quantity of a subway station’s integrated support and hanger;considering some integrated supports and hangers are under the horizontal plate(its thickness is 150 mm) of air duct at the top of track,the main points of their structural design to be noticed are also summarized.All the key points strive to make the whole integrated support and hanger system safe and reasonable,which can be referenced to structural design and implementation of integrated support and hanger of subway station in practical engineering projects.
LI Jianjun(China Railway Siyuan Survey and Design Group Co.Ltd.,Wuhan Hubei 430063,China)
Railway Construction Technology
subway station
integrated support and hanger
structural design
self-tapping anchor bolt