Cai Zhaohou,king of the State of Cai,made two pieces of the same jade and two pieces of fur clothing for his visit to the State of Chu.He presented one piece of jade and one piece of fur clothing King Zhao,king of the State of Chu.Zi Chang,prime minister of the State of King,also wished to have the same jade and fur clothing but failed to obtain them.So he detained Cai Zhaohou in the State of Chu for three years.After leaving the State of Chu,Cai Zhaohou asked the State of Jin to crusade against the State of Chua.So 18 states,including Jin and Lu,launched a crusade against the State of Chu and arrived at Zhaoling.Xun Yin,deputy commander of the coalition forces,asking Caihou for bribes.After failing to get the bribes,he retreated.When He Lu,king of the State of Wu planned to crusade against the State of Chu,Sun Wu offered advice:the crusade should not be launched without support fiom the states of Tang and Cai.When the State of Chu encircled the State of Cai,Cai asked for help firom the State ofWu.So at the invitation of the states of Tang and Cai,the State ofWu launched crusade against the State of Chu.The king of the State of Cai thus allied with the king of the State of Wu to combat against the State of Chu at Bqju.After five battles,the allied forces of the states of Cai,Wu and Tang occupied Ying,the capital of the State of Chu.Ten years later,the State of Chu encircled to the State of Cai for revenge.Threatened by the militaiy force of the State ofWu,without discussing with his ministers,king of the State of Cai moved the capital to Zhoulai.Before that,Confucius came to the State of Cai.When the State of Chu continued to crusade against the State of Cai,ministers of the State of Cai were afraid that the capital would be moved eastward again,so they killed their king.The records about the State of Cai and the State of Wu occupying Ying in Spring and Autumn by Confiicius verified that Confiicius was a witness of these events.In 1955,Cai Zhaohou,s tomb was discovered and unearthed in Shou County,Anhui Province.The cultural relics unearthed from this tomb also were witness of this period of history.
Sunzi Studies
King of the State of Ca
Sun Wu
The Battle of Boju
Cai Zhachou's Tomb