
矮生观赏番茄种质资源农艺性状鉴定及观赏性评价 被引量:7

Agronomic character identification and ornamental value evaluation of dwarf ornamental tomato germplasm resources
摘要 为筛选优异的矮生观赏番茄种质资源及优良育种亲本,提高观赏番茄育种效率,以26份国内外矮生观赏番茄种质资源为试验材料,运用变异分析、主成分分析和聚类分析法对20个主要农艺性状进行鉴定与评价;并采用层次分析法对其观赏性进行评价,筛选出观赏价值高的优良种质资源。结果表明:供试矮生观赏番茄种质资源的主要农艺性状及观赏特性遗传变异丰富。在16个数量性状中,坐果期为弱变异性状,其他15个为中等变异性状,无强变异性状;单花序花数的多样性指数最小,为1.00,可溶性固形物含量的多样性指数最大,为2.05。4个质量性状中,叶色的多样性指数最小,为0.96,果形的多样性指数最大,为1.63。主成分分析将20个主要农艺性状简化为4个主成分,分别为整株形态因子、果实及成串因子、物候期因子和果实色泽因子。系统聚类分析将供试材料分为3大亚族,不同亚族间的农艺性状存在较明显的差异。此外,本试验确定了基于层次分析法的观赏番茄观赏性评价标准,并构建了评价模型,其中果实特征约束层在约束层中所占权重最大,成熟果色指标层在指标层中所占权重最大,最终筛选出观赏价值最高的种质材料S1。本研究结果为应用观赏番茄优异基因资源及改良育种亲本提供了一定的理论依据。 In order to screen out excellent dwarf ornamental tomato germplasm resources and breeding parents,improve the ornamental tomato breeding efficiency,26 domestic and foreign dwarf ornamental tomato germplasm resources were used as experimental materials,and variation analysis,principal component analysis and cluster analysis were used to identify and evaluate 20 main agronomic traits;analytic hierarchy process was used to evaluate ornamental quality and select excellent germplasm resources with high ornamental value.The results showed that the genetic diversity of the main agronomic traits and ornamental value among the tested dwarf ornamental tomato germplasms were abundant.Among the 16 quantitative traits,fruit setting stage was weak variability trait,and other traits were medium variability,and there were no strong variability traits;the diversity index of the flower number per inflorescence was the lowest(1.00),and the soluble solid content was the largest(2.05).Among the four quality traits,the diversity index of leaf color was the smallest(0.96),and the fruit shape was the highest(1.63).The principal component analysis divided the main agronomic traits into four principal components,including the whole plant morphology factors,fruit and bunching factors,phenological factors,fruit color factors.The experimental materials were classified into three subgroups by systematic cluster analysis,which indicated that the agronomic characters of different groups had obvious specificity.In addition,the ornamental evaluation standard of ornamental tomato based on analytic hierarchy process was determined,and an evaluation model was constructed,in which the restriction layer of fruit morphology characteristics accounted for the largest weight in the restriction layer,and the ripe fruit color index layer occupied the largest weight in the index layer.The germplasm material numbered S1 with the highest ornamental value was screened out.The research results provide a theoretical basis for the application of excellent genetic resources and improving breeding parents of ornamental tomatoes.
作者 张钟炎 胡鲁巍 陈加威 朱祝军 祝彪 ZHANG Zhongyan;HU Luwei;CHEN Jiawei;ZHU Zhujun;ZHU Biao(College of Agriculture and Food Sciences,Zhejiang A&F University,Hangzhou 311300,China)
出处 《浙江大学学报(农业与生命科学版)》 CAS CSCD 北大核心 2021年第2期158-170,共13页 Journal of Zhejiang University:Agriculture and Life Sciences
基金 浙江省重点研发计划(2017C02018) 国家级大学生创新创业项目(113-2013200069)。
关键词 观赏番茄 种质资源 主成分分析 聚类分析 层次分析法 ornamental tomato germplasm resources principal component analysis cluster analysis analytic hierarchy process
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