
美欧跨境数据流动规则博弈及中国因应——以《隐私盾协议》无效判决为视角 被引量:28

The Rule Games between the US and EU on Transborder Data Flows and China’s Response:From the Perspective of Invalidation Judgment of the Privacy Shield Framework
摘要 目前,国际社会尚未就跨境数据流动规则达成共识,美国和欧盟在相关规则制定中占据领先优势,但二者采取了不同的立法模式和标准,存在难以弥合的分歧。为此,美欧在过去20年中持续开展了多轮博弈,2020年7月欧盟法院关于美国无法为欧盟的个人数据提供充分保护、美欧《隐私盾协议》无效的判决,正是这一博弈的最新体现。该判决对于欧盟重新夺回技术主权以及美欧跨境数据流动合作和规则博弈都将产生不可忽视的影响。同时,这一判决所推动的跨境数据流动规则博弈态势对我国利弊并存。我国应着眼于国家安全、数据隐私保护和经济发展的平衡,积极推动现有跨境数据流动国内立法的完善,并通过加入现有的区域性隐私框架等措施积极提升“中国模式”的国际影响力。 At present,the international community has not reached a consensus on the rules of transborder data flows.The United States and the European Union take the lead in the relevant rule making,but they have adopted different legislative models and standards between which there are gaps difficult to bridge.To this end,the US and EU have carried out multiple rounds of games in the past 20 years.The judgment of the European Court of Justice in July 2020 that the US can not provide sufficient protection for the EU’s personal data and the invalidation of the US-EU Privacy Shield Framework is the latest manifestation of this game.The judgment will have a significant impact on the EU’s recapture of technological sovereignty,as well as transborder data flows cooperation and games between the US and EU.Meanwhile,the game situation of rules on transborder data flows promoted by this judgment has both advantages and disadvantages for China.China should focus on the balance of national security,data privacy protection and economic development.The improvement of existing domestic legislation on transborder data flows should be actively promoted.China should also enhance the international influence of“the Chinese pattern”through such measures as joining in the existing regional privacy framework.
作者 黄志雄 韦欣妤 HUANG Zhixiong;WEI Xinyu(Institute of International Law, Wuhan University, Wuhan 430072, China)
出处 《同济大学学报(社会科学版)》 CSSCI 北大核心 2021年第2期31-43,共13页 Journal of Tongji University:Social Science Edition
基金 国家社会科学基金重大项目“网络空间国际规则博弈的中国主张与话语权研究”(20&ZD204)。
关键词 跨境数据流动 隐私盾协议 美欧博弈 规则制定 transborder data flows Privacy Shield Framework game between the US and EU rule making
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