

The Study of Adhering to and Improving the CPPCC's System for Resolving Contradictions and Building Consensus
摘要 习近平总书记关于加强思想政治引领、广泛凝聚共识是人民政协履职工作中心环节的重要论述,是新时代人民政协理论的重大创新,为各级政协加强和改进人民政协工作提供了根本遵循。经过70多年实践发展,特别是党的十八大以来,各级人民政协发挥社会主义协商民主独特优势,围绕化解矛盾、凝聚共识的中心环节,逐步形成了“习近平新时代中国特色社会主义思想学习座谈会制度”“以自我教育为主旨的党外委员专题视察制度”“寓思想政治引领于团结民主之中的谈心谈话制度”“重点关切问题情况通报会制度”“政协委员联系界别群众制度”“委员讲堂和重大专项工作委员宣讲制度”等制度模式,彰显了政协制度体系的整体效能。 The important principle of the central part of the work of Chinese People's Political Consultative Conference-strengthening the leadership of political ideology and concentrating on the extensively-developed consensus-by General Secretary Xi Jinping,is a great innovation for the theory of Chinese People's Political Consultative Conference in the new era,and provides the fundamental regulation for all of the levels in the system of Chinese People's Political Consultative Conference to improve and reform its work.With the practical development of the past seventy years,especially after The 10th National Congress of the Communist Party of China,Chinese People's Political Consultative Conference adheres to the basic principle of reconciling contradictions and concentrating on consensus on all the levels,represents the distinctive advantages of socialist deliberative democracy,establishes progressively a series of political institutions,such as the institution of Xi Jinping's Forum on China's socialist ideology and learning in the new era,the institution of the special inspection system of non-party members with the theme of self-education,the institution of heart-to-heart-talks with ideological and political guidance in unity and democracy,the briefing system of key concerns,the system of CPPCC members contacting the masses of different sectors,the system of members'lecture hall and important special members'lecture,all of which manifest the comprehensive function of Chinese People's Political Consultative Conference.
作者 于家琦 YU Jiaqi
出处 《理论与现代化》 2021年第2期42-52,共11页 Theory and Modernization
基金 天津市政协理论研究会2020年重点课题“坚持和完善人民政协化解矛盾、凝聚共识制度研究”。
关键词 人民政协 凝聚共识 化解矛盾 政协制度 CPPCC concentrating on consensus reconciling contradictions the CPPCC system
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