
绿肥对咖啡园杂草多样性及功能群的影响 被引量:14

Effects of Green Manure on Weed Diversity and Functional Groups in Coffee Orchards
摘要 为揭示绿肥对咖啡园杂草多样性及功能群的影响,调查了云南省保山市常规种植咖啡园(CK)、种植绿肥田菁咖啡园(SC)、种植绿肥硬皮豆咖啡园(MU)的杂草群落,探讨种植绿肥对咖啡园杂草群落的生态位、多样性、群落结构相似性及功能群的影响。结果表明:CK有杂草12科21种,SC有杂草10科16种,MU有杂草7科10种。3种类型咖啡园杂草生态位宽度大于0.600的杂草有10种,其中,CK有6种,SC有2种,MU有3种。种植绿肥的咖啡园杂草的物种丰富度、个体数、ACE估计值、Fisherα指数、Shannon-Wiene指数及生物量均低于常规种植咖啡园(CK),其中,杂草物种丰富度、ACE估计值和鲜重具有显著性差异。常规种植咖啡园与种植绿肥咖啡园杂草群落结构不相似。3种类型咖啡园杂草单子叶一年生或越年生植物功能群占据最大优势,但种植绿肥咖啡园的占比更高。种植绿肥改变了咖啡园杂草群落的生态位、群落结构及功能群,降低了咖啡园杂草群落多样性,对咖啡园杂草群落产生了影响。 In order to explore the effects of green manure on the weed diversity and functional groups in coffee orchards,the weed communities were investigated in three types of conventional planting coffee orchard CK,coffee orchard with green manure Sesbania cannabina(SC)and coffee orchard with green manure Macrotyloma uniflorum(MU)in Baoshan County,Yunnan Province.21 species of weeds belonging to 12 families were found in coffee orchard CK,16 species of weeds belonging to 10 families were found in coffee orchard SC,10 species of weeds belonging to 7 families were found in coffee orchard MU.There were 10 species of weeds with niche breadth greater than 0.600 in the three types of coffee garden,including 6 species of weeds in coffee orchard CK,2 species in coffee orchard SC and 3 species in coffee orchard MU.The species richness,individual number,ACE estimate,Fisherαindex,Shannon-Wiene index and biomass of weeds in the coffee garden planted with green manure were lower than those in the conventional coffee garden,among which the species richness,ACE estimate and fresh weight of weeds reached significant levels.The weed community structures of the conventional planting coffee orchard were dissimilar with coffee orchard SC and coffee orchard MU.The function group of monocotyledonous annual or biennial plants in the three types of coffee garden was the most dominant,but the proportion of green manure coffee garden was higher.The niche,community structure and functional group of the weed community were changed,the diversity of the weed community was reduced,and the weed communities were affected by planting green manure in coffee orchards.
作者 付兴飞 胡发广 李贵平 何红艳 黄家雄 罗心平 李亚男 张晓芳 吕玉兰 FU Xingfei;HU Faguang;LI Guiping;HE Hongyan;HUANG Jiaxiong;LUO Xinping;LI Ya’nan;ZHANG Xiaofang;LYU Yulan(Institute of Tropical and Subtropical Cash Crops,Yunnan Academy of Agricultural Sciences,Baoshan,Yunnan 678000,China)
出处 《热带作物学报》 CSCD 北大核心 2021年第4期1166-1174,共9页 Chinese Journal of Tropical Crops
基金 特色经济作物化肥农药减施技术集成研究与示范项目(No.2018YFD0201100) 咖啡可可产业链一体化示范项目(No.2020YFD1001202) 老挝北部山咖啡科技示范园建设项目(No.2019IB013)。
关键词 绿肥 杂草群落 生态位 生物多样性 群落结构 功能群 咖啡园 green manure weed communities niche biodiversity community structures functional group coffee orchards
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