Steam Generator(SG)heat exchange tube serves as the pressure boundary of the primary coolant system.Together with other pressure boundaries of the primary circuit,it forms a second safety barrier to prevent the escape of radioactive fission products.However,SG heat exchange tube is most prone to corrosion damage and it is the weak point in the pressure boundaries of the primary circuit.After SGTR accident,radioactive fission products may break through the pressure boundary of the primary circuit and the containment shield and enter the environment.The size of SG breach,SGTR accident,location of faulty SG,faulty SG water level control,etc.will directly affect the total amount of radioactive fission products into the environment.Through comparative analysis of SG body design,SGTR accident detection and SGTR accident mitigation measures,it is found that the third generation nuclear power unit has made many improvements,which improves the reliability and redundancy of SGTR accident related system,reduces the requirements of personnel intervention,and improves the inherent safety of the unit.
FU Hongli(Fujian Fuqing Nuclear Power Co.,Ltd.,Fuqing 350318,China)
Electric Engineering