

Back to Politics Itself:An Interpretation of Murphy’s Deconstructive Political Phenomenology
摘要 按照墨菲的理解,政治应该有独立的实践空间和场域。政治实践不能还原为党派和集团之间的阶级经济利益之争,政治领域是独立的抗争性空间。在这个空间中不同话语都在进行领导权的争夺,这些话语都在争夺一个并不存在的政治主体位置。在这种不同话语的抗争中,每种话语都在与其他话语发生竞争性对抗,并把对手作为"构成性外在"构造自己的认同和身份,获得自我的偶然同一性和暂时的稳定性。这种不同话语之间的对抗性竞争活动就是墨菲所说的"政治性"和政治存在本身。这种政治存在是正在发生的抗争活动,是政治现象学的、活生生的"生活世界"。它需要墨菲所说的解构主义的"再激活"和由"政治回到政治性"现象学还原才能获得,它们打破了现有的政治哲学体系和政治理论所形成的概念"沉积",尤其是马克思主义传统政治理论、新自由主义传统政治哲学对"政治性"和"抗争性"的生活世界即"政治本身"的遗忘。 According to Murphy’s understanding,politics should have a space and field of independent practice.Political practice cannot be reduced to the struggle of economic interests between parties and groups.The political field is an independent space for struggle.In this space,different discourses are fighting for leadership,but they are fighting for a non-existent position of the political subject.In this struggle among different discourses,each discourse constructs its own identification and identity by competing with other discourses and taking them as"constructive externalities"so as to obtain its accidental identity and temporary stability.This kind of antagonistic competition among different discourses is what Murphy calls"politics"and political existence itself.This kind of political existence is an ongoing struggle and a living"life world"of political phenomenology.It needs the"reactivation"of deconstruction and the phenomenological reduction from"politics to politicality"as Murphy said.It breaks the concept"deposition"formed by the existing philosophy of politics and political theories,especially the influence of the traditional Marxist political theory and the traditional political philosophy of neo-liberalism on the life world of"politicality"and"resistance",that is,forgetting politics itself.
作者 李金辉 夏百玲 LI Jin-hui;XIA Bai-ling(Heiongjiang University,Harbin 150080,China)
出处 《云南大学学报(社会科学版)》 CSSCI 2021年第3期28-36,共9页 The Journal of Yunnan University:Social Sciences Edition
基金 国家社会科学基金项目“精神分析、症候式阅读和权力解释学视角下的阿尔都塞研究”(项目号:17BZX033)的阶段性研究成果。
关键词 政治 政治性 现象学还原 解构主义 再激活 politics politicality phenomenology reduction deconstructionism reactivate
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