

Technical Application and Discussion of Power Grid-side Energy Storage Pilot Project
摘要 城市电网是城市最主要的基础服务设施,是电力系统的核心组成部分。随着我国城市化水平的提升,负荷密度越高的区域,城市化率越高,经济发达,土地利用率越高,越需要大宗土地以建设输变电设施。这是一对十分突出的矛盾,在城市中心区规划很难找到合适的变电站站址。随着城市负荷的增长,现有的变电站难以满足用户的供电需求。为了给用户提供可靠的、高质量的用电,对电网侧储能试点项目的技术应用进行探讨,以缓解现有变电站的供电压力。 The urban power grid is the most important basic service facility in the city and the core component of the power system.With the improvement of my country’s urbanization level,the higher the load density of the region,the higher the urbanization rate,the more developed the economy,the higher the land utilization rate,and the more large amounts of land are needed to build power transmission and transformation facilities.This is a very prominent contradiction.It is difficult to find suitable substation sites and lines in the planning of urban central areas.With the increase of urban load,the existing substations cannot meet the power supply needs of users.In order to provide users with reliable and high-quality electricity,this article discusses the technical application of the grid-side energy storage pilot project to relieve the power supply pressure of the existing substation.
作者 马晶 Ma Jing
出处 《电力系统装备》 2021年第5期49-51,共3页 Electric Power System Equipment
关键词 电网侧储能 方案设计 电能质量 grid-side energy storage scheme design power quality
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