
阿拉善荒漠两种典型豆科植物主要物候期对气候变化的响应 被引量:4

Response of Main Phenological Periods of Two Typical Leguminosae Plants to Climate Change in Alxa Desert
摘要 基于近40a阿拉善荒漠监测点气候要素和植被物候观测资料,采用线性倾向率、逐步回归等方法,分析该地区1981−2019年气候变化特征以及短脚锦鸡儿、猫头刺两种豆科植物主要物候期时间的演化趋势,探讨阿拉善荒漠豆科植物物候变化的气候驱动因子,旨在为气候变化背景下典型荒漠地区植物物候研究提供科学依据。结果表明:(1)近40a监测点平均气温为8.8℃,并以0.46℃×10a^(−1)的趋势显著上升(P<0.01);年日照时数平均为3136h,以约98h×10a^(−1)的速率显著减少(P<0.01);年降水量平均为159.0mm,呈波动增加趋势,降水量变化倾向率为19.08mm×10a^(−1)(P<0.05);(2)研究区短脚锦鸡儿、猫头刺的返青期、开花期明显提前,黄枯期略有推后,整个生长季呈延长趋势;短脚锦鸡儿、猫头刺多年平均返青期日序分别为89±8、90±10,开花期日序为116±10、131±16,黄枯期日序为308±10、315±10;(3)植被物候期与气候因子的相关分析发现,短脚锦鸡儿和猫头刺物候期变化主要受到气温的限制,日照时数对两种植物的返青期略有影响,降水量仅对短脚锦鸡儿黄枯期有一定影响。 To explore the climate driving factors of the phenological changes of legumes in Alxa Desert,the characteristics of climate change and the temporal evolution trend of the main phenological periods of two typical leguminosae plants(Caraganabrachypoda Pojark.and Oxytropis aciphylla Ledeb.)were studied by using linear trend rate and stepwise regression methods.Based on the observation data of climate elements and vegetation phenology at Alxa Desert monitoring points in recent 40 years,that is from 1981 to 2019.The results showed that:(1)the annual average temperature of the monitoring points in the past 40 years was 8.8℃,and increased significantly with a trend of 0.46℃·10y-1(P<0.01).The average annual hours of sunlight was 3136h,decreasing at a rate of about 98h·10y-1(P<0.01).The average annual precipitation was 159mm,with an increasing trend and a precipitation variation tendency rate of 19.08mm·10y-1(P<0.05).(2)In recent 40 years,the turning green period and flowering period of Caragana microphylla and C.maotouci were significantly advanced,the yellow withered period was slightly delayed,and the whole growth season was extended over the past 40 years.The annual average turning green,the flowering and the yellow withered period from Jan.1of Caraganabrachypoda Pojark were 89±8,116±10 and 308±10 respectively.And these three periods in Oxytropis aciphylla Ledeb 308±10 and 315±10,respectively.(3)From the correlation analysis between vegetation phenology and climate factors,it would be found that the phenological changes of Caraganabrachypoda Pojark and Oxytropis aciphylla Ledeb were mainly limited by air temperature.The sunshine hours had a slight effect on the green returning period of the two plants,and the precipitation only effected the yellowing period of the Caraganabrachypoda Pojark.
作者 常佩静 李永善 吴楠 王海梅 李忠 CHANG Pei-jing;LI Yong-shan;WU Nan;WANG Hai-mei;LI Zhong(Desert Ecological Meteorological Center of Inner Mongolia Autonomous Region,Hohhot 010051,China;Alxa League Meteorological Bureau,Bayanhaote 750306;Inner Mongolia Autonomous Region Meteorological Service Center,Hohhot 010051;Inner Mongolia Ecological and Agricultural Meteorological Center,Hohhot 010051)
出处 《中国农业气象》 CSCD 北大核心 2021年第5期364-376,共13页 Chinese Journal of Agrometeorology
基金 内蒙古自治区气象局科技创新项目(nmqxkjcx201822) 内蒙古自然科学基金项目(2019MS04002) 青海省科技厅项目(2018-HZ-820)。
关键词 荒漠植被 物候期 气候变化 影响因子 Desert vegetation Phenological period Climate change Influencing factors
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