
探讨胸腔镜肺癌手术治疗对患者术后应激反应的影响 被引量:2

Effect Exploration of Thoracoscopic Surgery for Lung Cancer on Postoperative Stress Response of Patients
摘要 目的探析肺癌患者采取胸腔镜下手术治疗对其术后应激反应的临床影响。方法择选2017年11月到2019年12月固定时间段本院接收的350例肺癌患者开展研究,按照双盲法原则将其均分成对照组(n=175)和实验组(n=175),接受传统开胸术者纳入对照组,基于胸腔镜下实施手术者纳入实验组,对两组临床效果及应激反应指标实施评比。结果实验组总效率相比于对照组提升显著P<0.05;实验组应激反应指标(生长激素、皮质醇及PGE2)与对照组比改善明显P<0.05;实验组术后引流量、出血量相比于对照组明显降低P<0.05;实验组住院、胸腔引流管留置时间较对照组显著缩短P<0.05。结论肺癌患者采取胸腔镜下手术治疗效果较为理想,可提升临床有效率,降低术后应激反应,亦能减少术中出血量,缩短住院时间,应用可行性强,值得借鉴。 Objective to explore clinical effect of thoracoscopic surgery on postoperative stress response of lung cancer patients.Methods We chose 350 lung cancer patients accepted in our hospital from November 2017 to December 2019 for a fixed period of time for research.According to principle of double-blind method,divided them into control group(n=175)and experimental group(n=175).Control group was treated with traditional thoracotomy,and experimental group with thoracoscopic surgery.Evaluated clinical effect and stress response indicators of two groups.Results total efficiency of experimental group was significantly better than control group P<0.05;stress response indicators(growth hormone,cortisol and PGE2)of experimental group were significantly better than control group,with statistical significance P<0.05;postoperative drainage and blood loss of experiment group was significantly less than control group,P<0.05;hospitalization and chest drainage tube indwelling time of experimental group was significantly shorter than control group,P<0.05.Conclusion thoracoscopic surgery can achieve relatively ideal effect for lung cancer patients,improve clinical effect,reduce postoperative stress response,intraoperative blood loss,shorten length of stay with strong application feasibility,which is worthy of reference.
作者 黄若山 姜承奇 黄剑春 冯家俊 童兴和 候波 HUANG Ruo-shan;JIANG Cheng-qi;HUANG Jian-chun;FENG Jia-jun;TONG Xing-he;HOU Bo(Department of Thoracic Surgery,Qujing First People's Hospital,Yunnan,Qujing,655000)
出处 《智慧健康》 2021年第3期46-48,共3页 Smart Healthcare
关键词 肺癌 胸腔镜下手术 应激反应指标 有效率 Lung cancer Thoracoscopic surgery Stress response index Effective rate
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