
夏季仿刺参养殖池塘水体菌群地域性特征及其影响因素 被引量:3

Regional Characteristics of Bacterial Community and Environmental Influencing Factors in Water of Sea Cucumber Apostichopus japonicus Culture Ponds in Summer
摘要 2018年8月,在全年不投喂饲料及益生菌且面积约0.1 km^(2)的泥质底质的辽宁长海、营口,河北乐亭和山东乳山典型岸基半开放仿刺参养殖池塘中,设置4个采样点,采集距水面和离池底各30 cm处水样,利用高通量测序技术和生物信息学分析手段,构建4个地区典型仿刺参养殖池塘水体菌群16S rRNA基因测序文库,解析仿刺参养殖池塘水体菌群地域性差异和共性,并查明影响水体细菌群落构成的主导环境因子。试验结果显示,不同地区仿刺参养殖池塘水体优势菌门为变形菌门和拟杆菌门,二者相对丰度占比68.64%~89.34%。变形菌门均为第一优势菌门,相对丰度占比51.10%~71.98%。在属水平上,不同地区水体优势菌属主要为玫瑰变色菌属、远洋杆菌属、Kiloniella和棕囊藻杆菌属。其中,长海、乐亭和乳山水体第一优势菌属均为玫瑰变色菌属,相对丰度占比分别为18.68%、24.65%和24.46%;营口地区水体第一优势菌属为Kiloniella,相对丰度占比23.07%。仿刺参养殖池塘水体菌群存在显著地域性差异(P<0.05)。其中,乐亭与乳山水体菌群结构相似度最高首先聚为一类,其次与长海聚为一类,营口地区则单独聚为一类。营口仿刺参养殖池塘水体差异菌群主要为放线菌门和浮霉菌门细菌。尽管不同地区水体细菌组分比例不同,但共有菌属甚多。环境因子中,影响水体菌群的主导环境因子为化学需氧量和总有机碳,其次为磷酸盐、总磷和温度。本试验结果将为仿刺参养殖池塘水体微生态调控提供参考。 A 16S rRNA gene sequencing library of microbial flora was constructed in water samples collected 30 cm from the water surface and 30 cm from the bottom in typical about 0.1 km^(2) muddy bottom sea cucumber Apostichopus japonicus culture pond water in four regions Changhai,and Yingkou,Liaoning Province,Laoting,Hebei Province and Rushan,Shandong Province in August 2018,where no diet was fed and probiotics was applied using high-throughput sequencing technology and analyzed by bioinformatics analysis method to evaluate the regional differences and commonalities of the water flora in sea cucumber breeding ponds,and the identification of the dominant environmental factors affecting the composition in the water bacterial community.The results showed that the dominant bacterial phyla were primarily found to be Proteobacteria and Bacteroidetes,with relative abundance of 68.64%—89.34%,in the water in the different sea cucumber culture ponds.Proteobacteria was the predominant phylum,with the relative abundance accounting for 51.10%—71.98%.At the genus level,Roseovarius,Candidatus Pelagibacter,Kiloniella,and Phaeocystidibacter were the dominant genera in the water in different regions.There were the predominant bacteria in Roseovarius in Changhai,Laoting and Rushan,with relative abundances of 18.68%,24.65%and 24.46%,respectively.The predominant bacteria in Kiloniella was observed in Yingkou,with relative abundance accounting for 23.07%,indicating that there were significant regional differences of bacterial community in sea cucumber culture pond water in different regions(P<0.05).There was the maximal structural similarity of the composition of bacterial communities in the water of Laoting and Rushan sea cucumber ponds,followed by that in Changhai sea cucumber ponds.The samples in water bacterial community of the Yingkou were clustered together,the specific bacterial phyla in water in Yingkou being mainly belonged to Actinobacteria and Plantomycetes.There were many common bacteria,although the proportion of water bacterial community in different regions was different.In the environmental factors,the dominant environmental factors affecting the water bacterial community were contents of COD and TOC,followed by PO43-,TP and temperature.The findings provide some basic reference for understanding and managing of the bacterial community composition in sea cucumber culture ponds.
作者 杨小佩 王荦 徐翰晨 丁君 常亚青 郝振林 YANG Xiaopei;WANG Luo;XU Hanchen;DING Jun;CHANG Yaqing;HAO Zhenlin(Key Laboratory of Mariculture & Stock Enhancement in North China′s Sea, Ministry of Agriculture and Rural Affairs, Dalian Ocean University, Dalian 116023, China)
机构地区 大连海洋大学
出处 《水产科学》 CAS CSCD 北大核心 2021年第3期318-328,共11页 Fisheries Science
基金 国家自然科学基金资助项目(31902395,31772849) 国家重点研发计划项目(2017YFC1404503) 辽宁省教育厅科学研究经费项目(DL201901).
关键词 仿刺参 水体 菌群结构 环境因子 高通量测序 sea cucumber Apostichopus japonicus water body bacterial community environmental factor high-throughput sequencing
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