
白及新品种“秦白1号”和黄花白及新品种“秦黄1号”的选育研究 被引量:1

New variety breeding of Bletilla striata(Thunb.ex A.Murray)Rchb.f.″Qinbai 1″and Bletilla ochracea Schltr.″Qinhuang 1″
摘要 针对当前市场上白及与黄花白及种质资源混乱、优质品种不足、药材质量参差不齐等问题,本研究在收集、整理、鉴定和评价陕西省内白及与黄花白及种质资源的基础上,采用无性系分株繁殖的方法扩大优良株系,并通过优良株系初选和比较、品系比较及区域实验,最终以丰产性(平均假鳞茎鲜重/667 m^(2))、品质(多糖得率)与抗性(抗病、抗虫、抗逆性)作为筛选指标,成功选育出白及新品种“秦白1号”和黄花白及新品种“秦黄1号”。两个新品种均具有丰产性好、抗逆性强、适应性广及标志性成分含量高的特性,适合在陕西省秦岭以南区域推广,是目前陕西省唯一的白及和黄花白及新品种。“秦白1号”的品种特性为:三年生植株高60~75 cm、叶长40~55 cm、叶宽8~10 cm,分枝数25~32个,假鳞茎鲜重平均产量为2243.45 kg/667 m^(2)。“秦黄1号”的品种特性为:三年生植株高100~105 cm、叶长60~70 cm、叶宽4~6 cm,分枝数20~25个,假鳞茎鲜重平均产量为2432.40 kg/667 m^(2)。两个新品种的选育对白及与黄花白及优良种质资源的保护、开发和利用及白及产业发展具有重要意义。 Considering the current situation of the disordered germplasm resources,the shortage of high quality varieties and the quality unevenness in the market of Bletilla striata(Thunb.ex A.Murray)Rchb.f and Bletilla ochracea Schltr,new variety breeding was carried out in this study based on collection,sorting,identification and evaluation of Bletilla striata and Bletilla ochracea germplasm resources from different regions of Shaanxi province.Asexual reproduction was applied to propagate the excellent lines,and further selection of superior plants to add to the strain comparison and regional trials were conducted.Finally,the Bletilla striata(Thunb.ex A.Murray)Rchb.f.″Qinbai 1″and Bletilla ochracea Schltr.″Qinhuang 1″were successfully bred using the yielding ability(average pseudobulb fresh weight/667 m^(2)),quality(polysaccharide yield)and resistance(disease resistance,insect resistance,stress resistance)as screening indicators.Both of the two new varieties have the characteristics of good yielding ability,strong resistance,wide adaptability and high content of iconic active ingredients,and are suitable for promotion in the south area of Qinling in Shaanxi province.They are also the only new Bletilla striata and Bletilla ochracea varieties in Shaanxi province at present.The biological characteristics of″Qinbai 1″are as follow:three-year-old plant height is 60~75 cm,leaf length is 40~55 cm,leaf width is 8~10 cm,number of branches is 25~32 and the average yield of pseudobulb fresh weight is 2243.45 kg/667 m^(2).The biological characteristics of″Qinhuang 1″are as follow:three-year-old plant height is 100~105 cm,leaf length is 60~70 cm,leaf width is 4~6 cm,number of branches is 20~25 and the average yield of pseudobulb fresh weight is 2432.40 kg/667 m^(2).The breeding of the two new varieties is of great significance to the protection,development and utilization of Bletilla striata and Bletilla ochracea germplasm resources.
作者 陈利军 刘帅 王世强 吕鼎豪 肖娅萍 王喆之 牛俊峰 CHEN Lijun;LIU Shuai;WANG Shiqiang;LYU Dinghao;XIAO Yaping;WANG Zhezhi;NIU Junfeng(School of Life Sciences,Shaanxi Normal University,National Engineering Laboratory for Resource Development of Endangered Crude Drugs in Northwest China,Key Laboratory of the Ministry of Education for Medicinal Resources and Natural Pharmaceutical Chemistry,Xi′an 710119,Shaanxi,China;Shanxi Institute of Medicine and Life Science,Taiyuan 030006,Shanxi,China)
出处 《陕西师范大学学报(自然科学版)》 CAS CSCD 北大核心 2021年第3期117-124,共8页 Journal of Shaanxi Normal University:Natural Science Edition
基金 国家重点研发计划专项(2017YFC1701300) 陕西省重点研发计划(2019SF-307)。
关键词 白及 黄花白及 新品种 选育研究 Bletilla striata Bletilla ochracea new variety breeding research
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