
南格陵兰岛伊利马萨克富铀碱性杂岩体成岩成矿特征及作用过程综述 被引量:2

Review on the Mineralization Characteristics and Processes of the Uranium-rich Alkaline Ilímaussaq Complex in South Greenland
摘要 南格陵兰伊利马萨克(Ilímaussaq)碱性杂岩体蕴藏的铀、稀土及稀有金属资源位于世界前列。文章依据伊利马萨克杂岩体的最新勘探和研究成果,对其产出环境、地质、地球化学、年代学特征及矿床成因等进行总结。岩体由加达尔晚期(1160 Ma)碱性岩浆多期次侵入并分异而成,主要由辉石正长岩相、过碱性花岗岩相和钠质岩相组成,为典型的层状岩体。铀及其他高场强元素的富集与碱性岩浆高度分异密切相关,富磷硅稀土矿的异霞正长岩为主要的富铀岩性。加达尔期(1330~1150 Ma)的幔源岩浆经多次上侵、同化混染、结晶分异等过程,最终形成铀-稀土等的富集和矿化。 The Ilímaussaq alkaline complex in South Greenland contains one of the largest uranium-REE-rare metals resource around the world,which is significant to economic development and scientific research.Based on previous studies of the Ilímaussaq complex,we summarized its regional geology setting,geologic feature,geochemistry,geochronology and deposit genesis.The complex was formed by the late Garde(~1160 Ma)alkaline magma with episodic intrusion and differentiation.It consists of layered intrusions of augitesyenite,peralkaline granite and agpaite.The uranium is mainly hosted in the steenstrupine-rich lujavrite.The differentiation of agpaite magma resulted in the rich of U and other HFSE.The related mineralization was formed by the process in which the mantle-derived parental magma has the episodic intrusion,assimilation and fractional crystallization during the Grade stage.
作者 李圻 宋昊 陈友良 余中美 李巨初 聂睿 LI Qi;SONG Hao;CHEN Youliang;YU Zhongmei;LI Juchu;NIE Rui(College of Earth Science,Chengdu University of Technology,Chengdu,Sichuan 610059,China;Key Laboratory of Nuclear Techniques in Geosciences of Sichuan Province,Chengdu,Sichuan 610059,China;Research Institute No.280,CNNC,Guanghan,Sichuan 618300,China)
出处 《铀矿地质》 CAS CSCD 2021年第3期549-559,共11页 Uranium Geology
基金 中国核工业地质局项目“铀资源大数据分析与找矿战略研究”(编号:201928-3) “铀资源勘查开发动态分析与项目优选”(编号:地D2103)联合资助。
关键词 格陵兰 伊利马萨克杂岩体 碱性侵入岩 铀-稀土多金属矿化 Greenland Ilímaussaq complex alkaline rock U-REE polymetallic mineralization
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