
"线上+线下"混合教学模式在市场营销学中的应用 被引量:1

Application of"Online+Offline"Mixed Teaching Mode in Marketing
摘要 在贯彻"停课不停教、不停学"的疫情防控要求下,线上课堂成了教学的主要平台,彻底从空间上打破了传统教学模式,但是也暴露出了教务管理不严谨、课堂组织不严格等单一线上课程授课的种种弊端.凝集线上线下授课的优势,将两者有效融合,取得更好的教学效果.本文主要研究"线上+线下"混合教学模式在市场营销学这门课程中的应用,从课程资源、课程内容、创新特色、考核方式等课程设计与构建方面,探究"线上+线下"混合教学模式在市场营销学中应用的实施路径. In the implementation of the epidemic prevention and control requirements of"no stop teaching,no stop learning",online classroom has become the main platform of teaching,completely breaking the traditional teaching mode from space,but also exposed the drawbacks of single front-line teaching,such as the lax management of educational administration,the lax classroom organization and so on.Agglutinate the advantages of online and offline teaching,effectively integrate the two,and achieve better teaching effect.This paper mainly studies the application of"Online+offline"mixed teaching mode in the course of marketing,and explores the implementation path of"Online+offline"mixed teaching mode in the course of marketing from the aspects of curriculum resources,curriculum content,innovative features,assessment methods and other curriculum design and construction.
作者 李文欣 李怡芳 LI Wenxin;LI Yifang(College of Econom ics and Management,Shanghai Ocean University,Shanghai 201306)
出处 《科教导刊》 2021年第5期91-92,共2页 The Guide Of Science & Education
基金 上海海洋大学“一流本科培育课程”项目资助(项目编号:A1-2005-20-300174)。
关键词 市场营销学"线上+线下"混合教学模式 课程设计与构建 marketing "Online+offline"mixed teaching mode curriculum design and construction
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