

Summary of Main Achievements and Experiences of Implementing the CPC's Economic Program After the Founding of the People's Republic of China-Commemorating the 100th Anniversary of the Founding of the Communist Party of China
摘要 新中国成立后,中国共产党带领人民实施经济纲领,取得了多方面的成就,包括经济总量实现了持续稳定高速增长,经济结构实现了优化,经济实现了转型,工业化步入了后期阶段并在很大程度上实现了现代化,人民生活逼近了全面小康的巅峰。中国共产党是中国社会主义事业领导核心,在革命、建设和改革的历史进程中,以马克思主义为指导,探索并创造了一条符合中国实际的发展道路。特别是在改革进程中创造出了社会主义公有制可以同市场经济兼容的一系列有效的并正在得到不断发展的经济实现形式,重要的经验有:推进以建立社会主义市场经济为目标的改革;坚持“两个毫不动摇”;实行改革开放并举;实行渐进式的改革;实行整体推进和重点突破相结合;实行顶层设计与改革试点相结合;顶层设计的分步实施与全程跟踪督察相结合;正确处理经济改革与经济发展和社会稳定的关系;适应改革的需要,不断地加强社会主义法治;遵循作为唯物论基本原则的实事求是;依据作为历史唯物论基本原则的生产力标准;坚持依据作为辩证法核心的矛盾法则;遵循以人为本原则,切实做到改革为了人民、改革进行依靠人民、改革成果分享人民;遵循生产资料所有制是生产关系总和的原理;遵循经济关系首先是经济利益关系的原理;既善于借鉴发达国家的有益经验,又坚持不照抄照搬,并勇于创新;把马克思主义基本原理与中国实际结合起来,实现马克思主义中国化。 Since the founding of the People's Republic of China,the Communist Party of China(CPC)has implemented the economic program and gained grand achievements by leading the people.These achievements include high growth of the economic aggregate,and optimization of the economic structure,transition of economy,post development,realization of modernization and to a large extent,people's living standard approaching to a peak of a moderately prosperous society in all respects.As the leadership core for the cause of socialism with Chinese characteristics,during the revolution,construction and reform,under the guidance of the Marxism,the CPC established a systematic path that served the reform effectively combing actual practice of China,especially a series of effective and still developing economic patterns compatible with the market economy of socialist public ownership.These patterns mainly involve:deepening reform that aims at developing the socialist market economy;a continued commitment of“two steadfast”;simultaneous reform and opening up;gradual reform;combination of comprehensive promotion and key breakthrough;integration of top-level design and reformpilots;step-by-step implementation of top-level-design and entire supervision;simultaneous economic reform and social stability;developing socialist rule of law;taking seeking truth from facts as the principle of materialism;taking standard of productive forces as the principle of historical materialism;taking the law of contradiction as the core of dialectic;putting people first;sticking to the principle that ownership of productive means equals the sum of production relations;acknowledging priority of relationship of economic benefit;both borrowing experience from developed countries and innovating independently;and adapting Marxism to conditions in China.
作者 汪海波 WANG Haibo(Chinese Academy of Social Sciences,Beijing 100732)
机构地区 中国社会科学院
出处 《首都经济贸易大学学报》 CSSCI 北大核心 2021年第2期3-8,共6页 Journal of Capital University of Economics and Business
关键词 新中国 中国共产党 经济纲领 改革 市场经济 马克思主义中国化 the People's Republic of China the Communist Party of China economic program reform market economy adapting Marxism to conditions in China
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