

Analysis of the Dynamic Process of Court Mediation from the Perspective of Sociology of Law
摘要 法院调解制度在我国司法实践中广泛适用,但我国法律关于法院调解的制度及规范很少,似乎不具有对案件处理结果的稳定性和确定性的要求,那么如何细致地去观察调解的司法动态就成了一个问题.从法社会学视角将法院调解的整个过程进行逐一拆分,可分为三大部分:当事者、法院和调解的内容.从这三部分出发就会有一定的切入点,从当事者因素出发,通过分析当事者的合意来观察调解过程的情况;法院作为居中者,发挥其居中功能引导调解合意的达成;在面对不同调解内容时,可以依照内容性质进行分类,进而判断出各种调解类型下适合具体个案的调解.从这三个大方面来拆分调解的过程,就会让规范很少的调解变得有迹可循,为纠纷的解决增加一定的确定性. The court mediation system is widely used in the judicial practice in our country,but there are few laws about regulations and norms of court mediation in our country,which cannot meet the requirement for the stability and certainty of case handling results,so it is important to carefully observe the judicial dynamics of mediations.From the perspective of sociology of laws,the process of court mediation can be divided into three parts,the parties,the court and the content of mediation.Court mediation can be observed from each of the three parts.The mediation process can be observed by analyzing the consensus of the parties.The court,as the mediator,plays its intermediary role to guide the achievement of consensus.Mediation contents can be classified according to their nature,and then the suitable mediation for each specific case determined.Mediation process from these three aspects will make the mediations with fewer applicable norms traceable and increase certainty for the settlement of disputes.
作者 吕浩森 LüHaosen(School of Law,Tianjin University of Commerce,Tianjin 300000,China)
出处 《洛阳师范学院学报》 2021年第5期87-89,共3页 Journal of Luoyang Normal University
关键词 纠纷 法院调解 合意 dispute court mediation consensus
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