
基于岗位胜任力问诊教学新模式的构建及实施 被引量:6

Construction and implementation of a new history taking teaching mode based on post competency
摘要 笔者根据问诊教学的特点,分析传统教学模式的现状和困境,梳理医学教育面临的机遇和挑战,提出基于第三代医学教育改革“以岗位胜任为导向”的人才培养要求,构建并实施“线上与线下结合、人文与专业相融、理论与实践并行”的问诊教学新模式,对于保障问诊教学质量,加强医学生的问诊基本功,并最终培养具备扎实的理论、娴熟的技能、良好的沟通、高尚及坚定的职业精神,具备岗位胜任力的现代医学人才具有重要的现实意义。 According to the characteristics of the history taking teaching,this paper analyzes the present situation and difficulties of the traditional teaching mode,combing the opportunities and challenges which the medical education is facing,and puts forward talent training requirements of the third generation of medical education reform that based on the"post competency oriented".It′s a significant way to construct and implement a new integrated teaching pattern combining online and offline,fusing humanity and profession,and parallelling theory and practice.It will ensure the quality of history taking teaching,strengthen medical students′interviewing ability and eventually cultivate modern medical talents of good post competency with solid theory knowledge,skilled technology,good communication skills and strong professional spirit as well.
作者 李晓丹 林春燕 何栩 曾湘丽 Li Xiaodan;Lin Chunyan;He Xu;Zeng Xiangli(Teaching and Research Section of Internal Medicine,Zhujiang Hospital of Southern Medical University,Guangzhou 510282,China)
出处 《中华诊断学电子杂志》 2021年第2期95-98,共4页 Chinese Journal of Diagnostics(Electronic Edition)
基金 广东省教育科学“十三五”规划项目(2018GXJK018)。
关键词 诊断学 问诊 教学改革 岗位胜任力 人才培养 Diagnostics History taking Teaching reform Post competency Talent training
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