
养生休闲食品对古代食治方剂的传承和创新研究 被引量:2

Research on the Inheritance and Innovation of Health Preserving Snacks on Ancient Food Treatment Prescriptions
摘要 养生休闲食品是一种根据中医理论,利用药食同源物品进行食养或具有养生功能宣称的传统休闲食品制成品。养生休闲食品的主要售卖渠道是基于淘宝、天猫、京东等线上电商平台和微店、有赞商城以及微商渠道,养生休闲食品如今已经发展成为线上休闲食品品类下不可忽视的子品类。综合考察线上养生休闲食品,其中相当一部分受到了古代食养思想、中医中药理论的影响,从用材配方到功效宣称,都很大程度上继承了古代食治方剂和药食同源思想,养生休闲食品传承了中国古代食治方剂非遗遗产,一定程度上弘扬了我国的文化遗产,但其高度还原性也同时暴露了养生休闲食品发展的天生缺陷,即复制有余、创新不足,这可能也是制约当前古法养生休闲食品发展的重要原因。随着电商经济的持续发展,部分养生休闲食品品牌在坚持古为今用的基础上,创造性地进行了食品硬件和软件方面的改进升级,做出了有益的尝试和突破,为未来休闲食品产业发展,提供了中国智慧和方案。 Health preserving leisure food is a kind of traditional leisure food products which are based on the theory of traditional Chinese medicine and food homologous products or have health function claims.The main sales channels of health and leisure food are based on online e-commerce platforms such as Taobao,tmall and Jingdong,as well as micro stores,youzan mall and wechat channels.Nowadays,health and leisure food has developed into a sub category that cannot be ignored under the category of online leisure food.Comprehensive investigation of online health and leisure food,a considerable part of which was influenced by the ancient food and nutrition thought and the theory of traditional Chinese medicine.From the material formula to the efficacy declaration,they all inherited the ancient food treatment formula and the idea of medicine and food homology.The health and leisure food inherited the intangible heritage of ancient Chinese food and treatment prescription,to a certain extent,promoted the cultural heritage of China,but its high reducibility also exposes the inherent defects of the development of health preserving leisure food,that is,there is more duplication and less innovation,which may also be an important reason for restricting the development of health preserving leisure food.With the continuous development of e-commerce economy,some health care leisure food brands have creatively improved and upgraded food hardware and software on the basis of making the past serve the present,and made beneficial attempts and breakthroughs,provided Chinese wisdom and Chinese solutions for the future development of leisure food industry.
作者 丁莹 DING Ying(Anhui College of traditional Chinese medicine,Wuhu,Anhui 241000,China)
出处 《粮油食品科技》 2021年第3期125-133,共9页 Science and Technology of Cereals,Oils and Foods
基金 2020年安徽省省级人文社科重点研究项目(SK2020A0668) 2020年芜湖市科学技术局科技项目-软科学项目(2020da0007) 2020年安徽中医药高等专科学校校级人文重点项目(RWSKZ202003)。
关键词 电商 养生休闲食品 古代食治方剂 传承 创新 药食同源 非遗遗产 E-commerce health snacks ancient food treatment prescription inheritance innovation medicinal and edible the intangible cultural heritage
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