Somokusha(Sumozhe,蘇莫者)is an ancient Southeast Asian tune,originated from India and then introduced into Japan by a monk from Linyi(林邑).Since the 10 th century,Somokusha has been compiled into Banshiki-cho of Togaku music(唐樂盤涉調),used for offerings to the Buddha in Buddhist temples and pagodas and handed down by Shi Tennoji Temple(四天王寺)’s dancers in Osaka.There have been quite a few tales as to its origin,reflecting the process of its being used to pray for rain,and then being developed from small tune to moderate tune as well as from solo dance to group dance.Investigating Somokusha helps to realize the fact that Japanese Gagaku music is carried by Buddhist groups,and the nature and origin of"singing and dancing drama"in the Middle Ages as well,because the tunes such as Sumozhe(蘇莫遮),Botou(撥頭)and Banlv(伴侣)represent the transmission of Indian Masked dances to music by land,while the tunes Somokusha,Batou(拔頭)and Beilu(倍臚)and so on represent their transmission by sea.
Journal of Chinese Literature and History