
基于实际运行数据的混合动力汽车能耗分析 被引量:5

Energy Consumption Analysis for Parallel PHEVs with Identifying Working Modes Based on Real-world Longitudinal Travel Data
摘要 针对并联式插电混合动力汽车(PHEV)能耗模式复杂及能耗规律尚不明确等问题,提出一种基于实际运行数据进行PHEV工作模式辨识以及不同工作模式下能耗规律解析的方法,利用多元非线性回归模型揭示混合驱动模式能量消耗率(ECR)的影响因素。基于上海市425辆PHEV一年的实际运行数据分析表明,PHEV的能耗受驾驶环境和工作模式的影响显著,且能耗费用与燃油汽车相比具有成本效益。样本PHEV的平均ECR较传统燃油车节省37.9%,是一般纯电动汽车的2.96倍。行驶速度和温度对ECR具有显著非线性影响,加速度具有显著的线性正效应。 In order to better understand the energy consumption performance of parallel plug-in hybrid electric vehicle(PHEV)and to analyze the impact factors under the hybrid driving mode,the working modes were identified for more accurate energy consumption analysis with real-world travel data.The methodology for identifying the different working modes is proposed.A multivariable non-linear regression model is used to analyze the effects of different factors on energy consumption rate(ECR).Based on the analyses of realworld longitudinal travel data of 425 PHEVs in Shanghai,it is found that the energy consumption performance of a PHEV depends to a large extent on the driving environment and driving pattern and the energy cost of the PHEV is more effective compared to conventional fuel vehicles.The ECR of the sample PHEVs saves up to 37.9%compared to the conventional gasoline vehicle BYD Song,and is about 2.96 times of that for the Battery Electric Vehicle(BEV).The speed and temperature have significant quadratic effects on ECR,and the acceleration rate has a strong linear positive effect.
作者 李浩 俞璐 丁晓华 张文杰 涂辉招 LI Hao;YU Lu;DING Xiaohua;ZHANG Wenjie;TU Huizhao(Key Laboratory of Road and Traffic Engineering of the Ministry of Education,Shanghai 201804,China;Shanghai Electric Vehicle Public Data Collecting Monitoring and Research Center,Shanghai 201805,China)
出处 《同济大学学报(自然科学版)》 EI CAS CSCD 北大核心 2021年第4期544-553,共10页 Journal of Tongji University:Natural Science
基金 国家重点研发计划(2019YFE0108300) 国家自然科学基金(71971162).
关键词 交通能源 能耗分析 能量消耗率 插电混合动力汽车 混合驱动模式 traffic energy energy consumption analysis energy consumption rate plug-in hybrid electric vehicle hybrid driving mode
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