

Advances in the Study of Genomics of Fruit Trees
摘要 首先,简述了果树基因组测序的历史,列出迄今已完成基因组测序的72种果树的测序基本信息、文献来源和基因组数据库;然后,择要综述基因组学在果树起源与演化问题研究、功能基因研究等方面的应用;最后,展望了果树基因组测序研究的应用前景。 Firstly,the history of fruit tree genome sequencing is briefly introduced,and the basic information,literature sources and genome databases of 72 species of fruit tree whose genome sequencing have been completed so far are listed.Besides,the application of genomics in the study of the origin and evolution of fruit trees and functional genes are reviewed.Finally,the future application of fruit tree genome sequencing research is forecasted.
作者 吴锦程 林授锴 吴毕莎 林顺权 WU Jincheng;LIN Shoukai;WU Bisha;LIN Shunquan(College of Environmental and Biological Engineering,Putian University,Putian Fujian 351100,China;Key Laboratory of Loquat Germplasm Innovation and Utilization of Fujian Province University,Putian University,Putian Fujian 351100,China;College of Horticulture,South China Agricultural University,Guangzhou Guangdong 510642,China)
出处 《莆田学院学报》 2021年第2期1-8,共8页 Journal of putian University
基金 福建省自然科学基金资助项目(2017J01644,2019J01809)。
关键词 果树 基因组学 基因组测序 起源 演化 特征性状功能基因 fruit trees genomics genome sequencing origin evolution functional genes of traits
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