
卡芬太尼的研究进展 被引量:1

Research Progress on Carfentanil
摘要 卡芬太尼是最强效的人工合成阿片类物质之一,与μ阿片受体有很高的亲和力,其镇痛活性大约是吗啡的10000倍。近年来,卡芬太尼被掺杂在其他滥用药物当中,已在全球多个国家出现滥用现象,由于其效力极高、毒性强,对人们的健康和社会的安定造成了极大威胁,许多国家相继对其进行了管制。目前许多卡芬太尼的检测方法已被开发出来,并在动物身上进行了部分药理学研究,但由于缺乏人体研究数据,关于其药理学方面的信息仍有限。卡芬太尼具有极高的效力,目前除了低剂量用于大型动物麻醉和正电子发射断层扫描的示踪剂外,尚未被批准用于人类。本文对卡芬太尼的理化性质、药理作用、检测方法、滥用情况及管制措施等方面进行简要综述,以期为今后卡芬太尼的研究提供参考。 Carfentanil is one of the most potent synthetic opioids and has a high affinity forμopioid receptors.Its analgesic activity is approximately 10000 times that of morphine.In recent years,carfentanil has been adulterated with other drugs of abuse,and has been abused in many countries around the world.Due to its extremely high potency and strong toxicity,it poses a great threat to people’s health and social stability,and successively it has been a controlled substance in many countries.At present,many detection methods for carfentanil have been developed and some pharmacological studies have been conducted in animals.However,information on their pharmacology is still limited due to the lack of data from human studies.Carfentanil has extremely high potency and has not yet been approved for use in humans,except for anesthesia in large animals with low doses and as a tracer in positron emission tomography.In this paper,the physicochemical properties,pharmacological effects,detection methods,abuse and control measures of carfentanil are briefly reviewed in order to provide references for future research on carfentanil.
作者 魏佳韵 李锋 陈园园 乔艳玲 李香豫 王优美 徐鹏 狄斌 WEI Jiayun;LI Feng;CHEN Yuanyuan;QIAO Yanling;LI Xiangyu;WANG Youmei;XU Peng;DI Bin(China Pharmaceutical University,Nanjing 210009;Office of China National Narcotics Control Commission-China Pharmaceutical University Joint Laboratory on Key Technologies of Narcotics Control,Beijing 100193;Key Laboratory of Drug Monitoring and Control,Drug Intelligence and Forensic Center,Ministry of Public Security,Beijing 100193)
出处 《中国药物滥用防治杂志》 CAS 2021年第2期107-112,共6页 Chinese Journal of Drug Abuse Prevention and Treatment
基金 十三五国家重点研发计划(2017YFC0803605,2018YFC0807402)支持。
关键词 卡芬太尼 药理作用 检测方法 管制措施 研究进展 Carfentanil pharmacological effects detection methods control measures research progress
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